2025 Update
As we continue to navigate finding the best math class to reach our teen’s academic and career goals, I have to say the Arise Home Education has been a lifesaver in guiding students from middle school maths all the way through advanced maths on par with first-year university math classes. If you are searching for live online maths classes that will help take the struggle and frustration out of homeschool math, check out these live online courses that teach to UK exam and US transcript standards.
- Pre-iGCSE Maths ( pre-algebra/middle school)
- iGCSE Maths: Year 1 (Algebra 1 and Geometry part 1)
- iGCSE Maths: Year 2 (Algebra 2 and Geometry part 2)
- SQA Higher Maths ( Pre-Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus)
- AS/A Level Maths Year 1 (Advanced Maths/Honours Trigonometry, Calculus and Statistics)
2024 Update:
Math is one of those subjects that has a tendency to fluctuate in homeschool families. by that I mean that one curriculum may work great for one child but not for another. The resources listed below with always be some of our favorites. We have had great success with each of them at various stages of our homeschool journey. This year, we decided to try a live online high school Math class. For the stage we are in, this has been an excellent choice.
2023 Math Update:
CTC Math
Our Top Choice For Stress-Free Homeschool Math: CTCMath. If a 3rd grader can have reduced stress, increased confidence, and better math grades & my high schooler can find math success, I think you too would be saying, ”Sign me up! We want some of that!”
Thinkwell High School Math
Recently we started using Thinkwell for Honors Algebra 1. We are loving it as a supplement to our other online match curricula. Read the Thinkwell High School Math review and see if it’s a good fit for you. Or, check out the Thinkwell website & save 15%!
IXL Learning
We also got to explore using IXL Learning’s UK math platform. My youngest enjoyed this one the most so far this year. Read our review here.
UK Home Educators
You’ll want to take a look at this iGCSE Maths course that will help your student prepare for UK exams. It is also eligible for credit for those following the US Diploma and Transcript Model.
Our Original Top Curriculum Choice for Math
Khan Academy
I recently posted about our journey of making mid-year curriculum changes. I promised to show you our top choices and some samples to try. I’m here to deliver on that promise! This time we are talking about math with Khan Academy!
But first, if you haven’t read “Navigating Curriculum Choices – Part 1, you might want to head on over and check it out first! You can also join my mailing list and get my latest FREE printable “Navigating Curriculum Choices”. It’s really going to help you focus on where to make changes and how. Hope you like it!
If you struggle with some of the new concepts in teaching math, as I do, you too will appreciate Sal Khan. Khan Academy offers way more than math, but that’s what we use it for the most. It’s a vast platform for learning no matter your age. They are constantly adding new subjects. And it all FREE! There are no samples on the site. But once you sign up and let your kids try it, they will love it! Here’s why we like it for math:
- You can create a personal avatar.
- Points, lots of points which turn into…
- Achievement badges. My 8-year-old got 2 badges yesterday for”stick-to-it-ive-ness” and “perseverance” – bless his heart!). Even though basic geometry is not clicking with him yet, he was encouraged to keep trying because of the badges he received.
- You can set yourself up as a teacher and get weekly reports on what your kids are doing. Confession: We have had a few “discussions” about how much time has been spent creating avatars rather than doing actual math. But, they always come back around to wanting more points, badges and
- Mastery Challenges. It’s really just a fancy word for review quiz, but if it keeps them wanting to do the math, then we will call them Mastery Challenges.
Well, that’s all 5 of our Top Curriculum choices for this year. I hope you have enjoyed learning about them as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing them.
We don’t just love math.
Here are our other four top choices.
Writing/Language Arts – Institute for Excellence in Writing
Philosophy/Humanities/Critical Thinking Skills
Self-paced online courses -Compass Classroom
Stop Struggling to make the best curriculum choice for your family. Get the download.

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Super helpful resources, I’m always looking for new curriculum resources.