Table of Contents
How to use Notebooking with US State Studies
Aside from the Captivating Compass note booking pages included with each US State Study, these are the only other resources you should need to enjoy learning about US History and government. Check out the US State Study Packs and then head over to Productive for the note-booking companion sets.
Looking for a Specific US State study?
What’s in the Notebooking Sets?
Each set will come with pages that have primary dashed lines and regular line options. That makes it easy to choose the perfect pages for your homeschooler. There are also cover pages, so as you build your note-booking binder, your kids are able to create and personalize the different sections.
Notebooking Sets for US History
American Presidents Notebooking

This set includes note booking pages for each of the 45 American presidents from George Washington to Donald Trump. There are also bookmarks for each president. This set comes with 5-10 different layouts for each president, so your kids don’t get bored with the same pages. there is also a separate American First Ladies note booking set.
Famous African Americans Notebooking

The Famous African Americans note booking set contains 6 note booking layouts for each individual plus blank pages. There are also additional themed pages for topics on African Origins, the Civil War Era, and African-American history.
USA National Monuments, Memorials & Parks

Your kids will get the most out of studying and visiting the National Parks throughout the United States when note-booking pages are used alongside travel-based learning. Remember this can even include virtual field trips..
The USA National Monuments, Memorials & Parks note booking pages include 9 different layouts. Did you know there are more than 100 United States national monuments, memorials, and parks? WOW! This is a perfect note booking set to accompany the individual US State Studies which are based almost completely on fun activities for the US National Parks.
USA State Study Notebooking Pages

First of all, don’t confuse the US State Studies by Captivating Compass with the note booking pages. The individual State Studies available here are packed with resources for learning about famous people, places, and events in each of the 50 United States of America.
The note-booking pages are a place to capture everything learned using the US State Studies pack and create a portfolio or binder. Use them to show off all the different things learned while exploring the history, culture, and places throughout the United States. The note booking pages and the individual state study pack are perfect companions for learning on location while traveling, and even virtually by learning at home using museum websites and resources only available in the US State Study Pack.
Virtual learning resources or field trips create exciting ways to learn for every member of the family. Capture those moments of learning by using note-booking pages. the ease of use and benefits will amaze you.
10 Notebooking Benefits
The ProSchool Membership from is the most comprehensive homeschool membership for all things notebooking!
The membership has 1000s of notebooking pages covering 100s of specific topics and 100s of template designs for ANY topic. Members can also create custom notebooking pages with the available computer apps.

Everything is included with your membership.

So why notebooking? Notebooking makes learning more enjoyable, provides longer retention, builds a variety of skills, and most importantly, develops lifelong learners.
Debra Reed, owner and publisher at Productive Homeschooling shares 10 of her favorite benefits of notebooking.
10 favorite benefits of notebooking
- Engages your child in his learning… notebooking requires a child to put what he’s learned into his own words and/or pictures
- No longer dependent or tied down to a curriculum or resource … use notebooking for any study or experience, with your favorite curriculum or without
- Encourages delight-directed learning … kids can choose topics that interest them or use notebooking to complete studies in their own way
- Doesn’t limit learning to prepackaged answers … kids get to show what they learned and can be as creative (or not creative) as they want
- Language arts is woven into notebooking … grammar, spelling, and writing skills are practiced naturally in notebooking
- Creates confident writers without the tears … kids work and progress at their own level starting with copying parts of their own oral narrations
- Provides instant documentation of learning … the growing notebook speaks for itself
- Notebooks are a great review tool … kids enjoy reflecting on their notebooks and sharing what they’ve learned
- Notebooks are a homeschool keepsake … the collection of notebooks is a tangible, nostalgic representation of the home learning journey
- Builds skills for lifelong learning … notebooking builds active listening, effective communication, and deeper thinking skills.
It doesn’t matter if …
you’re a new homeschooler, veteran homeschooler, only-child homeschooler, large family homeschooler, Charlotte Mason / Classical / Unit Study / Unschooling / Traditional homeschooler, because…
Notebooking is tool that benefits all types.
The ProSchool Membership is the place to get ALL the notebooking pages, guided help, and apps you’ll ever need to get started.
Everything is included with your membership.

The membership includes: all purpose notebooking pages, bible & character study notebooking pages, copywork themed pages, themed sets for famous men & women, picture & composer study pages, geography pages & maps, history topics galore, timeline pages, holidays & seasonal notebooking pages, literature study & word study pages, nature study & science notebooking pages … AND computer apps to help you create your own pages if that interests you!
Join before July 31st to save $25 on your membership and as a bonus, you’ll also get a plethora of planning pages for your home and school.

I’m a homeschooling mom of 4 children who are various ages. One child has moderate/severe ADHD. We’ve tried various ways of learning and found that notebooking and lapbooking was the most successful and the best received. We’ve been using these wonderful notebooking pages for years! Each time we begin a new unit, I simply log in to print the needed pages and we are on our way to another great learning adventure. These pages have saved me so much time over the years and I am truly grateful for all of your efforts. I always recommend these pages to friends and family!
— Dorcus
Cut out the busywork with notebooking … join today!

Buy US State Study Packs
The latest US State Study Pack are below. Tap here to see all 50 State Study Packs (and regional packs when they are available)
Looking for a Specific US State to study?
All 50 US State Studies can be found here.
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