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Let’s Study Isaac Newton: A Life Of Discovery
Isaac Newton is one of the most famous scientists ever. Yet, his intense personality, obsessive secrecy, and unique views of Christianity, nearly cost him everything. Even so, he pursued science and math tirelessly to the benefit of us all. Your middle school and high school kid will love the Isaac Newton facts for kids (and teens).
As legends are told, Isaac Newton is perhaps best known for an apple falling on his head, but his scientific genius goes way beyond bruised fruit. Perhaps unsurprisingly then, you’ll discover that you encounter his scientific contributions all the time in everyday modern life.
Without Isaac Newton, We Would:
- Lack advanced math like calculus for explaining really difficult physics ideas.
- Not understand that the rainbow is just revealing the spectrum of colors found in white light.
- Be without the “simple” explanation laid out in the Principia about how and why planets and moons orbit.
There is much to learn about this amazing inventor and mathematician and his incredible contribution to science. So, we will just scratch the surface here and provide you with some ways to extend your learning and make it fun all at the same time.
Who Was Sir Isaac Newton?
Isaac Newton was born sometime between 25th December and 4th January. Records note January 4th, altogether is evidence that he was born on Christmas day. He lived in England from 1642 to 1727, and is known for his discovery in optics that white light is made of a rainbow of colors and for inventing Calculus to aid in explaining the Laws of Motion mathematically.
He was also known for being difficult to work with and for being secretive, (he often wrote his notes in code), and for having unique views of God and Christianity.
It’s often easy to forget that Isaac Newton lived during the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment. When Newton is studied closely, there is evidence everywhere of his impact on science, literature, and politics in England and throughout Europe.
The unit study will help you understand what was happening around Newton and why his contribution to science and history was so important then and how they were a foundation for ongoing scientific discoveries.
Isaac Newton was considered eccentric and difficult to work with. He was known for completing his best work during long periods of isolation. He is also known for his outstanding work as the warden of the Royal Mint in preventing counterfeit currency.
Newton’s biography is full of depressing, dark periods but also exciting moments of competition and secret codes. All while he was conducting some of the most simple, yet profound science experiments in history.

What’s Not To Love About Isaac Newton?
He was a great man of mystery, intelligence, and integrity! No wonder he was the first scientist to be knighted by the Queen of England. He taught at the University of Cambridge in England, survived the plague, and is buried in Westminster Abbey.
Newton Resources For Your Homeschool.
You can have fun learning about Newton with these resources on Amazon.com, museums in the United Kingdom, and museums around the world.
So many Isaac Newton facts for kids will be learned when studying about the theory of gravity and seeing that apple tree that is said to be with the infamous apple fall on the Woolsthorpe Manor – the family farm he called home.
By studying this English physicist, his theory of light, and his laws of gravity students will learn interesting facts about his life as a mathematics professor, master of the mint, natural philosopher, and member of parliament.
Newton’s ideas about the law of inertia, and significant work on optics make him one of the most influential scientists of all time.
His early years at grammar school were difficult but while studying at Cambridge University, the bubonic plague broke out. He spent several years studying at home. This opportunity allowed him to produce the greatest of his works including:
- Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
- The Theory of Universal Gravitation
- the first practical reflecting telescope and
- Infinitesimal Calculus
Newton’s law of gravity laid the ground for other famous physicists and scientists including:
- Gottfried Leibniz (with whom he had a number of heated debates)
- Albert Einstein
- James Chadwick
- Stephen Hawking
- and others.
Near the end of his life, Newton began exploring alchemy (the precursor to chemistry), had a nervous breakdown, and sadly died of mercury poisoning on march 31 1727. e is best known for saying:
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”
Isaac Newton Facts for kids: Newton’s Life & Greatest work.
In The Let’s Study Isaac Newton Unit Study You Will Find:
- 19 lessons including experiments. (I recommend doing this course 2 days a week.)
- Videos, printable worksheets, games, and interactives. It is chock full of resources for ages upper primary through high school.
- Read & Discuss information about Newton’s life, greatest accomplishments, and beliefs.
- Opportunities to review and test your knowledge, and also assignments for final projects that include experiment lab reports.
- Fun, engaging experiments to learn more about Newton’s most famous works and ideas.
- 15 + videos offering hours of quality, insightful instruction.
- Information about history and science museums dedicated to the life and work of Sir Isaac Newton.
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