Are you ready to gather some FREE resources to help your family really enjoy learning about Shakespeare and the places he wrote about in some of his greatest plays?
Make sure you grab your FREE printable ‘Shakespeare Resources For Teens And Tweens’ below.
I’ve included resources for those wanting to experience Shakespeare close to home, or as part of an epic family trip abroad. If you are looking for local or regional opportunities to enjoy Shakespeare, I’ve added a few of those to the list too. So keep reading and get ready to use the world as your textbook!
If experiencing The Bard in Stratford-Upon-Avon, London, or even Italy is on your family travel bucket list, then your family will want to grab the resources that are available at the bottom of this post.
But first, let’s break it down into 3 easy ideas that will help you manage this idea of experiencing Shakespeare no matter where you are or where you are going.
- Know Before You Go!
- Learn On Location!
- Reflect & Remember.
Know Before You Go!
Shakespeare’s plays have a multitude of different settings across Europe & the United Kingdom. So having an understanding of his plays that corresponds with various locations will bring depth to both your travels and appreciation for his works.
Shakespeare may require a bit of ‘Know before you go’ pre-work, If you’re pressed for time, pick your favorite Shakespeare movie.
If you want to take a deep dive and really sink your teeth into a play, these resources are going to point you in the right direction and give you everything you need to really enjoy and appreciate teaching your kids (and learning a bit more for yourself) about Shakespeare. There are loads of ideas in the FREE printable at the end of the post.
It’s important to have a working knowledge of a play, its characters, plot, and setting in order to get the most out of your educational travel experience (i.e. epic trip abroad, a field trip to see a play, etc). So grab, this free printable perfect for helping your teens & tweens get the most out of their Shakespeare studies!
And if they complain, tell them it’s only allowed if they can do it in iambic pentameter!
Learn on Location
Or on the way to the location, if that’s how you roll!
You may want a few coloring pages or books, and an audiobook or 2 that will allow you to listen ‘en-route’, Check out 21 FREE Shakespeare Coloring Pages & Audiobooks for All Ages for everything you need! These are also great ‘Know Before You Go’ resources if you are wanting a more relaxed approach to Shakespeare. They are perfect for a long train, plane, or car ride.
If the wanderlust bug has bitten you and you’re serious about experiencing Shakespeare in the UK, you will want to check out these:
- 7 Stratford-Upon-Avon tips for “Bard-Approved” fun.
- London for Families City Guide – South Bank Neighborhood
- The Ultimate UK Family Trip, a 5-day trip planning course.
Homeschool, Travel & Learn With The Let’s Study Europe Bundle
No more cobbling your curriculum together and hoping it works! Everything you need is included in this World Geography complete set!
Reflect & Remember
After you have enjoyed your epic adventure and are at home reminiscing, consider one of these ideas to allow your kids to reflect on their experiences and capture the memories of their Shakespeare trip.
- Memorize and act out a section of the play you studied.
- Create a presentation where you share what you worked on before, during, and after seeing the play. Include photos, favorite quotes, and all the other fun memories about your trip.
If you want to go big, create a themed party, like this travel party idea where the whole family and anyone you invite can join in with the fun and excitement about Shakespeare
No matter what you do, if you make it fun, it will be memorable!
These resources will make it even more fun!
- 7 Awesome Ways to Have Fun in Your Homeschool with Shakespeare
- Let’s Study Shakespeare’s England Unit Study Bundle
- Shakespeare’s London – Southbank
- Homeschool Resources About Europe & The UK.

Sign Up below for this FREE resource
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