10 Things Homeschool Moms Love About Exercise & Sports Physiology
Disclosure: I received this product, College Prep Science Self-Paced Course: Anatomy & Sports Physiology, for a free homeschool science labs course and was compensated for my time. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions are 100% my own.
I’m here to share with you today, a curriculum review about Exercise & Sports Physiology, by Greg Landry at College Prep Science. It is a self-paced course for 7th-12 graders. It’s seven weeks long, and you can actually bump it out to be a full 12 to 15 weeks if you do it right. We’re going to talk about that a bit later. So what I want to share with you today are the 10 things that homeschool moms love about exercise and sports physiology, which is the self-paced course over at College Prep Science.
#1 Proper Notetaking & Lab Report Writing Promotes Critical Thinking Skills
Professor Landry always starts science courses out by teaching proper note taking and lab report writing. I just love this because, really, critical thinking skills are what our kids need these days. So from the get-go with any of the self-paced courses at College Prep Science with teaching and reminding kids how to do proper note-taking. Whether that involves sketches or writing procedures or filling out lab reports he covers it all and provides excellent templates to use throughout the course. So I really love that it promotes critical thinking.
#2 A Strong Anatomy Foundation for Understanding Physiology
I really like that this course provides a strong anatomy foundation. It helps your student understand physiology. They start out first by talking about structure and muscles and then move into other sections about physiology. So you can see from the picture from within the Digital workbook that he gives great names and color combinations so it’s easy to find the different pieces of the anatomy and the physiology. He explains it all so well.
#3 Digital Worksheets
Easy to follow worksheets to use for note taking or quiz/tests.
I also really like the way the workbook is laid out. It provides effective and concise learning as your student follows along with the various video lessons.
So digital worksheets are my game, it’s true! I would say we’re between 85 and 95% digital curriculum only in our homeschool. So, I love that this course has digital worksheets! Of course, you can print them out if you want and do them that way. But if you are already set up to be filling out forms or PDFs digitally, you can make that work with this course too. Your students can do everything digital within the PDF and then they can save it and download it. They can even upload it if you use some type of system for grading or for turning in assignments. You’re able to do it all digitally.
The worksheets are also super easy to follow along with and they can be used for note-taking. And… sometimes, I come back and l use the different worksheets again, as part of tests or quizzes. I have my kids first complete the worksheet as part of the lesson while they’re walking through the videos. And then I’ll go back and print the page, or make a digital copy of certain pages, and use those for the quizzes and tests.
#4 Kinesthetic Learning
I like that the Exercise & Sports Physiology self-paced course by college Prep Science because it really lends itself to Kinesthetic learning. Honestly, it really works with a variety of learning styles, but this is one of those courses where if you have a kid that just needs to be moving around while they learn they can. So whether that’s jumping on a trampoline sitting on a stationary bike pedaling to nowhere, or they’re on the treadmill they can enjoy learning.
The digital online course really allows them to listen and follow along with Professor Landry. If needed, they can pause from the exercising, work on the worksheets, and then go back and forth as they need to. So it’s set up to be really able to adapt to different learning styles for different students.
#5 Health/Fitness Project
The course is a perfect companion for building out a project for maybe health or PE. As a standalone course, it is about seven weeks. There are seven units so some units might take you a little bit longer, some might be a little bit shorter. I do like that if you want to build it out with a particular unit study, or project you could easily create a 12-15 week health or PE class.
As an example, a student could create and follow an exercise routine using the principles and concepts learned within the course. This idea works really well because they have an understanding of sports physiology and exercise, and then they put it into practice with some type of active project.
#6 PE/Health Credit
I’ve already mentioned making it part of a home exercise routine that you can turn into a class credit. So, if you have seen my 12-week exercise plan for tweens & teens, then you know that I have 12 weeks of exercise. I didn’t focus much on anatomy and sports physiology because that’s not my wheelhouse. I’m going to leave that to other people, like those over College Prep Science.
You can combine this self-paced course with an exercise routine you already have to easily turn it into a .5 to 1 credit class. Simply adding in the exercise and sports physiology course, and boom, you’ve got it! Combining the two makes for great high school PE credit which sometimes for homeschoolers is a little bit hard to come by. Especially in the winter months or the colder months.

#7 Answers The “Why?” Of Exercise
I really like that Professor Landry answers the “Why” question about exercise. We all know we should, and we all know what happens if we don’t, right? But he breaks it down and explains what our body needs and why we need exercise.
When it comes to physiology and how we’re made, he explains it in a way that is really super understandable. Having it super easy to grasp the different concepts that might be difficult for 7th-12th graders to understand. Other courses I’ve seen are a little bit complicated. He simply explains the importance of an active lifestyle.
#8 Diagrams & Definitions

I really like that he’s done a great job with the diagrams, and the definitions. We saw that at the beginning of the video with the workbook images. He uses proper medical terms and proper diagrams to explain anatomy and physiology. He also does it in such a way that it’s really clear and simple to understand.
It’s not over-complicated on the worksheets. He provides color worksheets that you can look at, and then the black and white ones for you to go back and fill in as part of the homework. So it is really good for the repetition of the learning, and also the hands-on piece of writing and labeling the different parts of the body and the different bones, muscles, and organs.
#9 Flexible. Reliable. Engaging
Number nine is kind of threefold. I really like it because it’s flexible, it’s reliable, and it’s engaging.
- It’s flexible. It fits our busy homeschool lifestyle. We can jump online and do it when it fits our schedule. It’s not a live class, so we don’t have to kind of pigeonhole it into a certain time or day of the week, although some of those classes. Those are really great to have as well. But if you’re looking for something that’s a little bit more flexible. This is a great course for that.
- It’s reliable. Professor Landry really knows his stuff. He knows his anatomy and sports physiology.
- It’s engaging. College Prep Science knows how to make self-paced courses engaging for the kids. It’s got colorful workbooks that you can use digitally, or you can print them out. You will go back and use some of those resources, again and again, whether you use them for different students along the way, or you go ahead and combine them with other aspects of your learning throughout the year.
#10 Okay, so the last one is really all of it together.
I said 10. I know I mentioned 10, but the video says nine! But you know what, that happens in homeschool doesn’t it? So it’s all good! But you know what you can do? You can start your self-paced Anatomy & Sports Physiology class today. You just go and grab it over at Homeschool Science it’s also called College Prep Science… it’s the same place. Get started with Professor Landry and the self-paced course today. It’s perfect for the winter months, and it is also a lot of fun

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