Disclosure: I received this product, CTCMath, a homeschool math curriculum online for free, and was compensated for my time. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions are 100% my own.
Top Choice For Stress-Free Homeschool Math: CTCMath
Do you wish your kids could say this about homeschool math?
“Used to Get Stressed… Not Anymore!”
I know that’s what I want for our family and I’m guessing you do too.
There are many ways to approach teaching (and learning) homeschool math. I’m a firm believer that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. If there was, it would be so much easier on all of us, wouldn’t it? CTCMath is a K-12 math program that gets results by using a multi-sensory approach to its online math program. You’ll have your kids saying “I love this math program!” – just like A. J. F. a 3rd-grade student from Nicholasville, Kentucky. She went on to say, “I usually really get stressed out but this one doesn’t pressure me at all! Thanks!”
Thing is… When I asked my kids to give it a try to see if it better-explained concepts they were struggling with, they agreed! My daughter was baffled by exponents. She jumped on CTCMath and in no time had made exceptional progress. Check out the report log I received that week!

So… if a 3rd grader can have reduced stress, increased confidence, and better math grades & my high schooler can find math success, I think you too would be saying, ”Sign me up! We want some of that!”
More Reasons to Like CTCMath for Homeschool Math
- CTCMath includes improved math results using multi-sensory methods that ensure retention.
- CTCMath’s approach allows for different styles of learning to ensure that students learn and retain the understanding of difficult math concepts.
- Parents like their detailed progress reports. I’m sure you will too. I like that they are able to help me see the improvement, as well as the areas of struggle for my kids.
- When you join the Homeschool Family membership at CTCMath, you save 50%.
Most of all, I like that everyone’s math induced stress has been reduced. The Homeschool Family membership has been a welcome addition to our homeschool routine.

Do you remember falling asleep in math class?
I sure do!
Maybe because it was the first thing in the morning (never a good time for me) or maybe because it was just so difficult to understand the long, drawn-out lessons. If there had been online homeschool math classes when I was in school, I’m pretty sure it would have changed everything for my math confidence & grades. Getting through the easy stuff lightning-fast and being able to replay a video of difficult concepts over and over until I understood would have been so helpful.
I’m so glad my kids have it so much easier than I did when it comes to achieving math success. CTCMath’s Homeschool Family membership makes all the difference.
What makes CTCMath Homeschool Family Membership so awesome?
With the Homeschool Family membership, lessons are short and to the point; yet provide different approaches to solving math problems. This is perfect in our house because we have kids that think in polar opposite ways about math.
I love that the kids can go at their own pace with CTCMath. One of my kids is ‘steady as she goes’, and is fine with incremental progress that builds confidence & solid understanding. The other one likes to “get in and get it done.” As long as he can prove he understands the concepts, bypassing the tests & quizzes, that’s all he cares about. It helps that the lessons are quick and to the point.
My son really likes how easy the online video tutorials are to understand. And, when he does get stuck, he just plays the tutorial over until he understands. CTCMath has given him a huge confidence boost because he’s doing it all himself without ‘help from mom’.
Let me just say, I don’t miss the frustration & tears math has caused in our house. Relationships are important. The amount of frustration and math induced annoyance has dramatically decreased because of CTCMath’s approach to teaching math to every type of student
what others think about CTCMath & the Homeschool Family membership
CTCMath’s Homeschool Family membership has helped our family maintain sanity & harmony.
Pretty sure everyone wants more of that for their homeschool math! Start your FREE Trial.
Curriculum: Make the best Choice
Math Tutoring for All Ages
Looking for a math tutor? We’ve got you covered. My go-to tutor when my kids get stuck with math concepts is Emma at Arise Home Education. All the tutoring details are here.
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