Captivating Compass: A Short Story About A BIG Dream.

image of hands holding a rock with the word "Believe" painted on it.  Text overlay: Captivating Compass. Short Story. Big Dream.

Short Story. Big Dream.

Some stories take a long time to gain momentum and some even longer to tell.  You’ve seen the meme about the shortest distance between 2 points, and then the route you took, right? Well, that’s how the story of Captivating Compass looks.  

I can’t believe it really all started back in 1996 when I took my first trip overseas. I spent 2 weeks in the United Kingdom in December. It was glorious, super cold, and absolutely unforgettable…in so many ways.

You see…my husband had a 6-week break from school before starting the long, arduous process pursuing an alternative medicine degree. The road seemed long ahead, so we decided to escape on an adventure before we settled into the next phase of life.

Captivating Compass: How we failed & we succeeded all at the same time.

We failed miserably at budgeting, staying healthy, and packing properly. But, we succeeded spectacularly in enjoying every minute together absorbing history, culture and all things British in those two weeks.  

We were also forever affected by seeing a different part of the world. Our eyes were wide open. Our hearts and our heads were bursting with a new awareness of the world around us.  We were forever changed in such a good way.

We went on to travel more and more frequently. I traveled more while he hit the books. Since I was a bit of a distraction around the house when it was time to study, it worked well for us.  I was given the opportunity to travel for work. It was an easy ‘Yes!” at the time. That’s where the ‘Have passport. Will travel!’ motto was born.

On one trip to Italy, when my husband was able to come during a school break, we realized almost at the same time, that we really wanted to live in Europe. There was something that captivated our hearts and distracted our minds in such a beautiful and mesmerizing way.  A passion had been ignited on that first trip, and now, a dream had been conceived.

Life took it’s familiar twists and turns as we continued with school, work and finally kids. When I became pregnant, a friend commented: “…but how will you travel, now?”  

I responded with a sweet smile and just said, “The same way we always have…just a  little slower.” She wasn’t quite sure what to do with that. 

When baby #2 came along, we slowed down even more.  But we still traveled. Money was tight so we spent a few years exploring things closer to home. Camping, road-tripping and hanging out with other families. All the while enjoying each opportunity to explore where we lived together. We were making friends that were like family.  We all needed each other. It was such a great community. Everyone needs that type of community.

Image of boy with cap holding rockwith the word 'Believe' painted on it.

During a rough patch of medical crisis with our youngest, the dream of ever traveling again was nearly snuffed out.  It was a challenging time. We basically hung on for the ride and hoped and prayed for the best.

Then, one day, my husband said, “Hey, there’s a job opening again in Scotland, should I apply?” It had been his heart’s passion for so many years to live and work in Scotland. Of course, I said “Yes!” So, 6 months later, we moved to Scotland with a 6-year-old sickly kiddo and a 9-year old that wasn’t too keen on leaving her friends no matter how grand the adventure might be.

Scotland! Here we come!

What is is about us and winter in the UK? We moved to Scotland in February. I have never been so cold, except for the time we had been there in December on that first trip so many years before. 

We settled into work, life and being gobsmacked by all of the history, culture, architecture, and art around every corner.  The entire family loved it! We spent so much time those first months visiting every museum, park, and gallery we could. It was fantastic.  

Captivating Compass Family Image

Captivating Compass Starts Learning On Location

I quickly started incorporating our activities to complement our homeschool lessons.  The kids were so engaged. They were absorbing and understanding at such a different level simply by visiting important locations, asking questions and participating in hands-on activities.

After a few months of this, I realized that I really wanted to share our story about how we learn on location.  And so Captivating Compass was born. It is a place for me to share about our adventures and inspire others to create their own adventures.  Homeschooling and travel go so nicely together. I hope you will be inspired to look for the unique, creative and educational experiences that are right around you.

But above all, I want to inspire you to pursue your God-breathed dreams, no matter where you are at, or where you are going.  Take that initial step. You never know where your passions will lead you. Through it all, Stay Captivated!

Read more about intentional family travel or digital homeschooling.

2 thoughts on “Captivating Compass: A Short Story About A BIG Dream.”

  1. Love it, Shannan! We would also LOVE to live in Europe and trying to find options. My husband is a pilot, and the EU has different flying licenses, so it’s a long shot, so we’re exploring other areas of the world.

    There is something about travel. The more we do, the more we WANT to do. I wonder if I’ll ever be “done” traveling.

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