Homeschool Travel Learn
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Let The World Be Your Classroom.
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Let’s Study Famous Folks – February Calendar Of Famous People
From the Middle Ages to folks whose inventions we use every day, your middle schoolers and high schoolers are sure to satisfy their curiosity with this calendar of 27 famous people born in February along with 7 fun days to celebrate and learn about too!

Africa: Ten things every homeschooler should know
What does your homeschooler should know about Africa? Africa is the second-largest continent in the world, and it is home to a diverse range of

Let’s Study Famous Folks – January Calendar of Famous People
Don’t miss learning about 27 famous people that were born in January. Middle & High Schoolers will also have fun celebrating Bobblehead Day, Shortbread Day, Argyle Day, and even Give Someone A Compliment. Grab your download and satisfy your family’s curiosity about these famous people and fun activities.
Travel is more than just cruise ship ports or tourist shopping.

Broaden your worldview.
Grow hearts of compassion for other people & places.
Learn what life really looks like in different parts of the world.
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Let The World Be Your Classroom.
- Virtual Museum Tours
- Unit Studies
- Online Homeschool Courses For Upper Elementary – High School
- Intentional Family Travel Guides for England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy & where ever we have class next!
- Travel Planning Tips, Tools & Resources For The Whole Family.

Captivating Compass
helping you use the world as your classroom
- What opportunities does your child need to really thrive in this academic season of life?
- Where can you go to provide impactful, lasting memories that will teach life skills, academic lessons, and soften our hearts to a more compassionate view of the world?
- Where can we go to learn about history, science & literature from a different perspective?
These are some of the questions Captivating Compass can help you answer as you explore how to combine family travel & homeschooling.
Intentional home education with a focus on travel allows you to use the world as your classroom – no matter where you are or what you want to learn.
- Do you love to explore locally?
- Are you passionate about having fun learning by traveling regionally, nationally or internationally?
- Are you wondering how to help your family learn life skills that will prepare them for the future, no matter where life takes them?
Captivating Compass has the resources to take you on the epic adventure of homeschool learning and family travel.
Homeschool Travel Learn Resources
to Keep you Captivated
No more cobbling your curriculum together.
With just 1 click, explore 5 different countries this week.
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1. Confirm your email & add us to your contacts.
2. Keep an eye on your inbox for your Let's Study World Geography Sample Lesson.