Our Top 5 Curriculum Choices: Philosophy Adventure
I recently posted about our tears, trials, and triumphs with making mid-year curriculum changes. I promised to show you our top choices and some samples to try . I’m here to deliver on that promise! This time we are talking about philosophy!
WAIT! Don’t click away! It’s WAY cooler than you remember. Your middle and high schoolers are going to love it!
You might even do a happy dance when you finish the FREE Sample!
But first, if you haven’t read “Navigating Curriculum Choices – Part 1, you might want to head on over and check it out first! You can also join my mailing list and get my latest FREE printable “Navigating Curriculum Choices”. (below) It’s really going to help you focus on where to make changes and how. Hope you like it!
Our Top 5 Curriculum Choices: Philosophy Adventure
I tried the Philosophy Adventure Pre-Socratics: Thales sample with my oldest. I was curious to get her take on a new approach to writing, history, logic, and personal character development. She LOVES history and we were studying ancient history last year. So I gave it a whirl at the end of the semester when we were finished with our writing program for the year. She. Loved. It. So much so, that we bought the full curriculum and will begin it later this year after she finishes up another one of our favorites for writing (more on that one in a later post).
Since we haven’t started the full curriculum yet, here are the reasons we love Philosophy Adventure so far. I’m sure the list will grow:
- PDF ( are you sensing a theme?)
- It uses free writing as an excellent method for teaching creative writing.
- The history, geography and philosophy topics are super engaging. Both of us were drawn into the philosopher’s life story and then we were invited to write about what we thought might happen next. Super fun!
- Sample curriculum does not short change the “digging deep” aspect of philosophy, It actually made us think about the complex ideas and topics presented in each lesson. This allowed for great discussion beyond the writing assignment.
- Disclaimer – The sample is primarily geared toward writing, however; after we bought the whole Philosophy Adventure‘s Pre-Socratics curriculum, we realized it was history, writing, geography, public speaking, and more. It’s nearly all you need! We can’t wait to get started come spring!
Like all the other winners in our Top 5 Curriculum Choices, Homeschool Adventure offers a variety of curriculum for you to enjoy.
If you’re curious about the other top choices I’ve written about, here are the links.
What are your favorite curriculum choices and why does your family love them? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Free Thales Sample Lesson

Grab your free sample, on the curriculum/product page. Look for ‘Sample Volume 1’ and ‘Sample Workbook’.
FREE Resource! Currriclum: Make the Best Choice