London for Families City Guide – Bloomsbury



More About This Guide Here.

Bloomsbury Neighborhood – Updated 2023

This Bloomsbury Neighborhood Guide has everything you need to hang out in Bloomsbury including all the details for the following activities:

  • British Museum

  • Regent’s Park

  • Camden Lock Market

What’s In Each Neighborhood Guide.

Free Museums and Activity Links

Lodging Suggestions That Save You Money

Tube Station List. Map Links & Travel Time Guide

Neighborhood Street Market Suggestions

Sightseeing Options to Budget for/Pre-Book

Teachable Moment Resources

Each London Guide Includes 3 Awesome Bonuses!

Bonus 1: Pack Less. Travel More. 11 tips to pack like a pro and a packing tutorial.

Bonus 2: Planning 101. A step-by-step family travel planning guide with tips on lodging, food, activities, and transportation.

Bonus 3: London with Kids. All the details your family needs for the adventure of a lifetime. My 3-part blog series.

The London for Families City Guide Bundle will help you spend your money wisely, and experience the best London has to offer no matter your budget.


Prices in guides based on a family of four consisting of 2 adults, 1 student (1/2 price for some fees) & 1 child often free admission (but not always). £/GBP =  British Sterling Pound. Taxes/VAT not included.
This guide contains affiliate links and is for informational purposes only. It is to be used as a springboard for your personal research and preparation.  You are personally responsible to book travel, activities, excursions and to insure your vacation with the travel insurance of your choice. Copyright 2017-2023 Captivating Compass.