Let’s Study World Geography: Projects

Capture the beauty of our world and the curiosity of your homeschooler.

No more cobbling your curriculum together and hoping it works! Everything you need for amazing projects is included in this World Geography project pack!



Let’s Study World Geography Projects

Are you fed up with kids getting bored at amazing travel destinations because they did not have a solid understanding of world geography? Do you want a curriculum that will travel with you and even take you to places that are still on your family travel bucket list? Capture the beauty of our world and the curiosity of your homeschooler with the Let’s Study World Geography projects. Bulky textbooks and workbooks are difficult for everyone to manage while using the world as your classroom. This is why I created digital world geography resources for your home school.

The ‘Ticket To Ride’ Method for World Geography

5+ unique geography projects based on the 5 themes of geography with complete instructions and resources to help you re-claim your day and help your curious and creative kiddos have fun ‘ed-venturing’ through geography no matter which country they choose to study, even if you can’t afford that expensive trip around-the-world for your family.

The Five Themes of Geography

A well-rounded geography course will explore all five themes of geography in some fashion.  This resource provides the framework for fun geography projects that can be used to bring balance to your geography studies.

Study each specific region or continent. Check out all the World Geography bundles here.

  Captivating Compass Family Image You probably need the Let’s Study World Geography projects as much as I did! I started creating world geography resources when I was planning intentional family vacations in Europe and could not find an engaging, digital geography curriculum for homeschoolers.  I know how frustrating and downright exhausting it is when you are a homeschool family is on the go. 


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