Let’s Study Famous Folks – January Calendar Of Famous People & Fun Activities
Whether you’re ready for it or not, January is upon us! This month is bursting with ways you can say ‘Hello January’ with ease, anticipation, curiosity, and fun. The best part about it is that you can hand it off to your kids and let them add it to their daily routine. That’s the way we like to say ‘Hello January!’ in our homeschool. Get your Let’s Study Famous Folks – January Famous People Calendar of Activities at the end of this post.
Are you needing to fill in the curiosity gaps?
Looking for some ‘go-to’ goodness that will enrich your learning without overwhelming or stressing anyone out?
Is your high schooler looking for resources for an interesting report or presentation?
I’ve got you covered!
The January Famous People & Fun Activities calendar is full of learning for every day of the month. There are quirky holidays like Bobblehead Day to celebrate as well as quite a few people that are famous for one reason or another (some good, some not so good) who celebrate their birthday in January. So from ancient history to folks still enjoying life, your middle schoolers and high schoolers are sure to satisfy their curiosity with this list of 28 people and 5 fun days to celebrate and learn about.

Here’s the list of famous people
- J. R. R. Tolkien
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Family – Charles Ingalls & Mary Ingalls
- Jack London
- Francis Bacon
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Isaac Newton
- Stephen Hawking
- Benjamin Franklin
- Buzz Aldrin
- Sir Walter Raleigh
Historical Leaders/Heroes/”Baddies”
- Joan of Arc
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Alexander Hamilton
- Benedict Arnold
- Mark Antony
- Robert E. Lee
- Stonewall Jackson
- Henry VII of England
- William McKinley
- Thomas Paine
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Hadrian
- Douglas MacArthur
- John Hancock
Other Interesting Famous Folks To Learn About
- James Earl Jones
- Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
- Jackie Robinson
Everyone will have fun celebrating Bobblehead Day, Shortbread Day, Argyle Day, and even Give Someone A Compliment Day.
Whether you are studying ancient history or modern (or something in between) there is at least one person you can find in this month’s birthday list that will inspire your kids to learn just a bit more about something that piques their historical curiosity. Music & Literature are covered too with reading suggestions and resources to get the most out of the day’s activity.
If you are wanting to make sure your kids are doing active learning, incorporate notebooking pages allowing them to capture important details as they watch videos, read articles and interact with each person in this month’s calendar.
If you are not familiar with notebooking pages and how to use them with virtual learning, you will find they are welcome additions that allow you to step away from workbooks and teach your child how to listen, observe, and respond to what they are learning in a natural way.
Get your Let’s Study Famous Folks resources
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