Exposing high school students to the wonders of each time period of world history and fun ways to learn world geography can prepare them for a productive and successful future in a global society.
No longer can we afford to ignore the fast-paced transformations that occur every day in our world. If you want to ensure that your teens grow into competent adults equipped for a world of challenges, using lesson plans that teach them about both the history of the world and world geography is an essential starting point.
Pairing your homeschool World History curriculum with a quality World Geography curriculum is like pairing your favorite cake with the perfect ice cream.
Table of Contents
World History Top Picks to Pair with World Geography
- Contextual British History at Arise Home Education. (more world history courses are planned)
- Compass Classroom’s History with Dave Raymond
- Master Books World History – Comprehensive textbook with a teacher’s guide that’s not overwhelming for the busy homeschool family.
- 7 Sisters Homeschool history resources. Digital, and scalable for your unique high schooler.
Why Every Teen Should Study A Homeschool World History Curriculum & World Geography
To that end, this guide will explain:
- why learning about the physical and historical features of the planet is important for teens,
- explore the different methods homeschool families use to help teens understand these topics,
- provide useful resources to connect with more information, and
- provide tips on how parents can best support their teen’s learning by choosing the best homeschool world history curriculum to pair with high school world geography.
With knowledge of these topics, today’s teens can build a solid foundation for their understanding of global issues as they move through adulthood.
Benefits Of Using A Homeschool World History Curriculum Alongside World Geography
Studying World History & World Geography together can help teens to gain a better understanding of the world and its cultures. Additionally, knowing and understanding these two subject areas can help teens to become more knowledgeable and informed global citizens.
Let’s dive into the advantages of studying these two important topics.
Gaining An Understanding Of The Past
Studying world history and world geography can provide valuable insight into the past’s ancient civilizations and middle ages and help us to better understand the position that our society is in today. By looking at ancient history and learning from events of years gone by, we can work towards improving ourselves in the present day. When using world geography daily lessons, it is not only beneficial to learn what has happened in our own countries but also in other areas of the world. For example – by understanding how different civilizations have developed over time, and how they related to each other politically and economically – studying this type of subject can help us form stronger relationships with other nations now.
Additionally being able to locate countries, capitals, and cities on a map gives any student an improved general knowledge as well as a better understanding of our place in (as well as our interconnectedness with) the wider world. Alongside this niche knowledge about wars and revolutions found in a homeschool history curriculum students will find meaningful contextualization; allowing homeschooled high schoolers to better articulate Christian worldview arguments more concretely. This helps them form opinions more confidently on issues like globalization, international development, or security-related matters which are so frequently discussed within contemporary societies.
By providing homeschool history lessons alongside world geography students have increased awareness on a global scale. This allows teenagers who may never travel abroad or experience living overseas due to various reasons- such as citizenship or financial limitations -to possess an idea that could otherwise have been restricted without acquiring such knowledge. By understanding different peoples’ beliefs, cultures; their relationship with the earth geographically speaking -studying World History & Geography brings numerous educational benefits that equip teenagers with not just only knowledge but insight into themselves too!
Learning About Different Cultures
Studying world history and world geography can open up a whole new world for teens by introducing them to different cultures and countries. A homeschool curriculum that covers world wars, current events, and major events in world history are important. Coupled with hands-on projects for geography or, taking the classical approach, of daily mapping or cartography learning world geography will help older students (8th-12 grades) gain a better understanding of history. It encourages them to get interested in different countries and cultures, as well as their histories and geographical differences.
This is a great way to provide insights into multiple areas such as religion, politics, art music, language, and more. Delving into the history of different cultures, allows teens to compare and contrast their own culture with the ones they are studying. This type of exploration can help them form better opinions on many topics while becoming more globally minded.
The study of history and geography together helps students:
- learn about how other countries think
- makes teens more aware of global issues like poverty or war
- better understand what societies around the globe go through each day.
With this knowledge during the high school years comes a greater understanding of international relationships in the modern world and how decisions made by one country might affect other nations around the world. Using history studies and geography lessons allows the student to become knowledgeable on global issues at an early age. Done at the high school level, this will open teens’ eyes to potential career paths or areas they may want to further pursue or specialize in. However, any grade level can study history and geography during the years of homeschooling.
Increase Appreciation For Your Own Nation’s Heritage
Studying worldwide subjects, whether in chronological order or not, also increases appreciation for those who have contributed to our own nation’s heritage; from cultural creeds to centuries-old traditions inherited from various backgrounds. Additionally, gaining knowledge about other countries’ customs gives teens expanded access to foreign markets if they are future entrepreneurs looking for business opportunities in overseas areas.
Understanding more about global connections supports a logical approach when it comes time to choose which expanded independent learning, college, or an exchange program. Undestanding world history and world geogrpahy will provide opportunities that are best suited for personal growth beyond the world history lesson encountered via a high school world history curriculum.
Developing A Global Perspective
Studying world history and world geography provides students with valuable insight into other cultures around the globe. It can help foster a greater appreciation of different people and cultures and promote tolerance, understanding, and international cooperation.
Students learn about how societies function and why certain countries choose particular routes of development. This type of knowledge helps young people become more socially aware and optimistic about the future, aiding the creation of leaders capable of handling global issues.
Learning about global economies can also assist those seeking employment overseas. Without an understanding of different customs or political climates, or geographical limitations, it’s difficult to decide if a country would be a good fit for employment opportunities. Finally, students who are knowledgeable in world affairs and the events of world history because they have studied past events are better able to identify international threats or potential dangers facing us as citizens from other countries around the world.
Appreciating Diversity
Studying World History and World Geography in your homeschool provides students the opportunity to explore and understand the full range of human diversity. By learning about different nations, peoples, cultures, and natural environments around the globe, a student will gain an appreciation for what makes each culture unique. This knowledge helps students develop necessary skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and cooperative skills to work with others from different backgrounds.
By exploring world history and world geography in combination, students are presented with an important reality – all countries are part of a larger system of interdependence called the global community. In this global community, all cultures interact with one another either directly or indirectly.
As this happens over time, civilizations evolve differently than when one nation is isolated from another. Knowledge about historical conflicts between countries or continents as well as using geography to follow trade routes can help students understand current tensions between different nations. Unfortunately, past patterns tend to repeat themselves in present times.
Studying world history and geographically understanding other parts of the world from your student’s home country’s perspective will help bring empathy–an understanding of other perspectives–as well as critical thinking skills. This will provide structure for nuance reasoning rather than accepting generalizations at face value.
Education on such topics makes us more responsible citizens by providing a broader knowledge base while also raising awareness of our roles within the greater context of global interconnectivity and stability– no matter where we are based physically or digitally in current times.
Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills
Studying world history and geography provides a variety of vital intellectual benefits, including developing and enhancing critical thinking skills. By learning historical information, students gain a greater understanding of how people behaved in the past and why countries acted in certain ways. This enables them to comprehend why actions taken in our current times will have an impact on generations to come.
In addition, by exploring world geography and the environments that individuals live in, students can learn the valuable lessons of adapting to certain environments while also working together as part of an international society. This encourages mutual cooperation and understanding between citizens of different nations, thus building bridges instead of walls between countries.
It’s time for a reimagined social studies focus for your homeschool world history curriculum.
Studying world history and geography is essential for any teen as it develops key critical thinking skills and helps foster human connections across nations that are essential for navigating our increasingly interconnected world.
Necessary Resources For Studying World History & World Geography Together
Studying World History & World Geography is essential for teens, as it helps them gain valuable insights into the world and its cultures. Teaching yourself these disciplines may seem daunting at first, as there is a lot of information to cover and many resources needed to do so.
Fortunately, there are numerous resources and materials available that can help make learning these topics easier and more enjoyable. Let’s take a look at some of the resources that are necessary for studying World History & World Geography.
Online resources
Online resources are great for studying world history and world geography as they provide up-to-date information, useful visuals, and an array of resources. It is important for teens to access reliable websites to find accurate, comprehensive information.
Some of the most essential online resources for studying world history and world geography include dedicated websites, podcasts, apps, and tutorials.
You’ll also want to read more about high school world geography for home schoolers to learn about the variety of resources available for high school credit.
Teens can visit educational websites such as the World History Encyclopedia, Britannica Online Encyclopedia, Info Please Encyclopedia, or the BBC History Section to find in-depth coverage of different eras in world history. For more specialized topics like wars or revolutions that have shaped world history, there are many other dedicated sites available such as Battlefields Trust UK or The History Place for additional study of famous battles.
Podcasts are an excellent way of learning about events or individuals that shaped our current understanding of world geography without having to open a textbook or read through several articles on a website. There are numerous podcasts available that go into detail on specific wars or events like the Real Cool History For Kids podcast focuses on the Battle of Normandy and the History for Kids podcast offers short episodes on a variety of history topics for kids and teens.
Tutorials provide students with step-by-step guidance in terms of understanding concepts related to world history & geography or providing brief overviews of historical periods or figures in simple language without having to search through pages upon pages of reliable but often dry sources. Numerous tutorial sites exist such as Coursera for more complex topics like political economy and Khan Academy for activities related to general weariness subjects including those related to geography & history where additional practice is common amongst students planning ahead for exams etcetera.
There are plenty of apps specifically designed with education in mind covering topics from grammar lessons all the way through cultural identification etcetera. Depending on what a student needs it may be helpful to download specific apps catered towards primary education level use up through college level study. This will help structure whatever material is used correctly. It can be very beneficial in terms of retaining information over time when practicing amongst peers or with limited help. Perfect for independent study efforts without compromising quality. In summary, multiple up-to-date modern-day resources exist now making it easier than ever before targeting statistics, facts, or activities having global significance from all eras of history.
The Best Homeschool World History Curriculum
Homeschool World History Curriculum: Textbooks
Textbooks are an integral part of any World History & World Geography class. These books provide a comprehensive overview of major eras and geographical regions, as well as detailed accounts of relevant people, cultures, and events. They also feature maps, illustrations, and photos intended to help students better understand the material. For teens who are just beginning to explore world history and geography, it is essential that they have access to a relevant textbook in order to acquire the necessary knowledge base from which to draw upon in their studies.
Typically, textbooks for high school-level courses are divided into sections based on time periods or regional distinctions (i.e. ancient Egypt), so students can focus on what was happening at different places around the world at different times in history. Some textbooks also contain timelines that allow students to compare different events side by side and see how they relate over time or connect geographically.
Additionally, textbooks typically offer key questions or discussion points at the end of each section that can spur group discussions or research activities between friends or classmates outside of class hours; thus providing them an opportunity to further explore topics that interest them and deepen their understanding of diverse cultures within our world’s history & geography.
Arise Home Education British History Year 1
Why we like it:
Extraordinary approach to online/digital, and no-busy work. This British History live, online class brings to Tudor & Georgian history life in a unique way by approaching it contextually rather than just a bunch of names, dates, and battles. It is perfect for students wanting a different learning approach. It provides engaging online live sessions each week and homework that is fun. This information-packed course, using videos, reading, and projects, make the courses an excellent college/university prep choice.
Compass Classroom High School History
Why we like it:
Self-paced. online/digital, and no-busy work. Perfect for independent learners with informational videos, reading and projects that make the courses an excellent college/university prep choice.
7 Sisters Highschool World History
Why we like it:
Self-paced. digital, and no-busy work. Includes tests & answer keys. It is very scalable for creating college prep or honors level courses or adapting for students with learning differences. Also usable with co-ops.
Why we like it:
Life Pac is self-paced. and helps k-12 grades understand the world and their place in t it. Includes teacher guide for each grade level. Each year is designed to meet the educational needs and requirements of the grade level.
” Lifepac Social Studies: History & Geography curriculum helps students to understand the world – and their place in it – through studying history, cultures, and the environment. Perfect for students who flourish in a self-paced learning environment, each consumable workbook combines lessons, exercises, projects, reviews, and tests.”
Notgrass History
Why we like it:
Notgrass History is self-paced. includes a collection of primary works coving Creation to the present day. Last updated in 2014, it is still an excellent house for a literature-based curriculum.
Notgrass History’s Exploring World History curriculum covers creation through the present day for a full-year high school world history course written from a Christian perspective.
This course, when all assignments are completed, provides 1 year of credit in world history, 1 year of credit in English, and 1 year of credit of Bible. NASB Scripture used.
World History Detective, Book 1
Why we like it:
World History Detective, Book 1 is self-paced. includes critical thinking exercises for ancient & medieval world civilizations. Perfect for families that enjoy Fallacy Detective, or any of the others from Critical Thinking Company.
World History
Why we like it:
World History, revised, from Master Books curriculum is an excellent textbook survey course. The set includes a teacher guide (containing daily worksheets, quarterly teams, and answer keys), and provides high school-level essay questions, critical thinking exercises for ancient & medieval world civilizations, It is perfect for live online classes, co-ops, or self-paced learning.
This upper-level course, high schoolers will develop an understanding of historical trends, philosophies, and events as they examine theories surrounding a period or topic, history makers who changed the course of events, and comparative worldviews, and consider critical thinking questions.
Homeschool World History Curriculum: Maps
One of the most important resources for studying world history and world geography is a comprehensive and up-to-date map. This same resource can be used to look at individual countries and continents, or the entire world itself. Having a great map can help you understand how the physical features of the land, such as mountains and rivers, have had an effect on the development of human civilization. You can use maps to see where various historical events occurred or get a better sense of how trade routes have changed over time.
When looking for a good map, be sure to consider overall detail, colors used (so you can distinguish different physical features), as well as physical scale (the ratio between distances on the map and distances in real life). Additionally, depending on your particular objectives and studies, take into account maps highlighting certain activities – such as population distribution by country or continent; climate data; political borders; resources; etc. All of these factors will influence the accuracy of information presented in your studies and help ensure that you receive the most out of any world history or geography assignment.
Map Trek
Why we like it:
The Map Trek set of maps and student activities is a historical world and U.S., history atlas with the ability to show students ‘then and now’ with over 200 full-color maps. This textbook & workbook style is a good companion for students taking a world history course.
Homeschool World History Curriculum: Video Lessons & Documentaries
For teens looking to deepen their understanding of world history and world geography, documentaries offer an educational and entertaining way to engage in the subject matter. Documentaries feature interviews with experts, telling visual presentations of historical events, archival footage, or dramatizations that bring the past to life in a vivid way. By giving viewers an up-close look at a topic or event, documentary films can provide insights into things that cannot otherwise be experienced firsthand.
Additionally, modern documentaries are often biased toward certain viewpoints or narratives. For this reason, it is important for teens to take note of false information presented as fact without alternative views being heard or any critical analysis included. But if consolidated with other sources aiding further investigation of the documentary’s assertions/statements — such as primary sources from historical archives, peer-reviewed articles from experts on the subject material — then viewing documentaries can be a powerful learning tool in developing one’s knowledge and understanding of world history & world geography. Online courses that teach history using documentaries and films are a big hit with high schoolers.
Or, create your own course using your favorite, historically accurate movies and documentaries.
Drive Thru History
Why we like it:
Drive Thru History is just plain fun, and engaging. History from a Christian worldview isn’t boring with its video series (Holy Land, America’s Founders). This online video-based, self-paced, resource is perfect for middle and high schoolers. It can be easily added to both history and geography courses to provide a well-rounded world geography and history curriculum.
World history documentaries and movies (amazon) which may help expand a teen’s knowledge base concerning world history and world geography: Parents should preview these films to ensure they are appropriate for their teens.
Best World Geography to Pair Your World History Course
In conclusion, it is clear that the study of world history and world geography is essential for all teens. Knowing about various cultures and regions helps to promote a global understanding, providing young people with an appreciation for their own culture and those across the world. It also equips teens with the necessary knowledge about the history of their home nation, as well as other countries in the global community. This understanding is key to developing respect for our planet and its people in order to become peaceful citizens of this world.
Best High School World Geography
It’s the only one we recommend because it is digital, flexible, and easy to use at home. Or, you can participate in a live online class that uses it as its main curriculum.
The Bottom Line
If you want to get the best World Geography course, check out the Let’s Study World Geography full-year curriculum or online course.
World History Top Picks to Pair with World Geography
Pair one of these top picks for World History with your World Geogrpahy high school curriculum.
- Contextual British History at Arise Home Education. (more world history courses are planned)
- Compass Classroom’s History with Dave Ramsey
- 7 Sisters Homeschool history resources. Digital, and scalable for your unique high schooler.
- Master Books World History – Comprehensive textbook with a teacher’s guide that’s not overwhelming for the busy homeschool family.
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