So many of my friends are waking up this morning not sure what to do about school for the next few weeks. Please take a minute to keep reading about the online education resources available due to the. due to the School closures.
- If you already homeschool you might want to share this with your friends, family, and neighbors. You have so much wisdom to offer and encourage them with.
- When you don’t homeschool and are not sure what to do next or
- You are looking for fun, affordable ways to engage your kids academically, You will find this list of free resources super helpful.
Have questions about homeschooling? I’m happy to answer any I can. I’d love to help you out no matter where you live or where you go to school.
Above all, stay captivated & stay healthy!

There’s no need for panic. But so many will have tons of questions.
With the world in panic mode over the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools are (or will be) closing. So share this with all your friends that aren’t homeschooling (yet) and lend a hand in how to homeschool with free online education resources.
Families will also be in need of resources. these resources are from online organizations coming along families to provide the tools needed to continue learning from home.
So… Share this post with your neighbors, friends & those that don’t normally homeschool. You have a great opportunity to help those around you.
The online education resources below are all free. Some will be free for a longer time period than others. some are always free. Check out the ones that interest your kids and help you keep learning happening while you navigate the next few weeks at home with your family.
Alchemie – Alchemie makes chemistry learning resources. They are offering Mechanisms (software for modeling organic chemistry reaction mechanisms) and ModelAR (a virtual molecular modeling program) for free. Their Student resources section is awesome and perfect for those wanting AP Chem resources.
American Chemistry Society – The American Chemical Society has ChemMatters magazines, targeted for high schoolers, available online. In addition to chemistry, there is an article that is biographies of chemists and historical articles. This one is always free & has awesome resources for elementary, middle school, high school & even college/university level chemistry. – Art Games for Kids, Arts Education Resources for Teachers, and much more! So much fun, right here!
Grab this FREE resource for even MORE FUN!
Backpack Sciences – FREE video series, “Science. Simplified.” Learn how to simplify teaching science.
Boardmaker – Boardmaker is a collection of standardized picture symbols used for communication with students who are strong visual learners. They have a thematic series of units called Boardmaker Activities to Go- all free, and ready to download, print, copy, etc. Perfect for those with autism spectrum disorders, Down Syndrome, speech and language disorders, and behavioral disorders.
BookCreator App – Great opportunities for schools to use their app & homeschoolers will love the resources sections with fun digital books created by students.
BrainPop – Schools can sign up for free access. They also have a free Coronavirus lesson & teachers’ lesson plan.
Breakout Edu – the page is titled Fun at Home and that is exactly what it is! Super fun resources for K-12!
CheckMath – This app is in beta testing, But it’s free and pretty cool. Use it to help check your student’s math work.
CircleTime Fun Learn and bond with your 0 – 6-year-old. Follow and interact with an expert instructor. Use code: homefun1
CK-12 Foundation – Great free (common core focused) resources for K-8.
ClassDojo – I’ve heard good things about this site. I’ll be trying it this week!
Classroom Secrets – This UK-based education site is in beta testing and is currently free through April 2020.
CMU CS Academy – Provide a free, online, interactive textbook for high school and middle school teachers to use to teach computer science in their classrooms. Their resources are always free & may be a great way of teaching coding at home.
CommonLit – Make sure you check out the Digital Lesson Library! Resources for K-12
Conjugemos – “Use without account” option has vocabulary, grammar, listening activities and games in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, and Latin.
Curriki – Always Free. Curriki revolutionized the way digital learning content is distributed and shared. For over 10 years we have made the best curriculum, lessons, and on-demand content free, open, and accessible to all.
Deck Toys – Game-based learning! They are running FREE 3-month access to our domain-wide Pro Plan to all schools and institutions in view of COVID-19.
DeltaMath – Delta Math is a free website for teachers and students covering a wide range of math content from middle school through AP Calculus. Always Free!
Dyslexia Academy – They have set all the best resources section to free to help as many schools as possible with new and updated resources being added all the time.
Elemental Science – 80+ Free science activities!
Fiveable – Has free resources for AP students including live reviews, live trivia, and study guides. Always Free!
Fluency Matters – Free Access to the E-Learning options for 21 days
Freckle – has free level access where students in K-8 can access Freckle for free.
Gamilab – It is a platform where anyone can find or create their own simple learning games and the version we have now are always free for schools. Always free.
Click Here to Learn How To Choose The Best Online Education Resources.
More Great Homeschool Resources
Genially – Create stunning presentations, infographics, and more in just seconds. Looks Super Fun!
HippoCampus – Explore over 7,000 free videos in 13 subject areas. You can create a free account and create customized playlists too. Always free.
iComputer – Free online access to iComputer’s Learn Programming and Computational Thinking resources. Designed for independent work, pupils can work through activities and exercises online at home. Free Access to All Services.* This may or may not be available for homeschool or co-op groups, but it’s worth a try!
IDEA – Free and can be self-driven and they get a certificate from Buckingham Place! Free Always. We have used this one personally. I highly recommend it!
InThinking – One Month Free Access to Any InThinking DP Subject Site. – Offers FREE, high-quality educational materials to educators: teachers, homeschoolers, parents, grandparents, scout troop leaders – to anyone interested in learning/teaching! Always Free!
KET’s PBS Learning Media –
Videos, games, lesson plans, and supplemental materials can be searched by grade level, subject area, keyword, and standard. And PBS LearningMedia’s Google Classroom integration makes it easy to share resources with your entire class. Content contributors include KET, PBS, PBS Kids, NASA, the National Archives, the Library of Congress and many more. Always free.
Khan Academy – You may already use Khan Academy, but they are rolling out even more resources! Check out why we love Khan Academy for math.
LabsLand – To make sure that everyone in need gets our help, we at LabsLand are providing free access to all of our laboratories until summer 2020.
Learning Apps – So many Apps! Wow!
Libby App – For digital books and audiobooks. Anyone with a library card (at least in whatever cities/states use Overdrive) can access it. Always Free!
Minecraft: Education Edition – A game-based learning platform that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive digital environment. Always Free!
Music In Our Homeschool – 20 Music Appreciation Sampler lessons to add to your “Let’s do this, it looks fun!” stash!! Grab it and some creative music fun!
Musik at Home – Family Music for Mixed Ages for FREE until April 3, 2020
Mystery Science – To help all these teachers during school closures, we at Mystery Science just finished going through all our lessons, pulling the easiest ones to do from home, and putting them all up for free on a page to make it easy. No sign-up required, no student login—we just want to help.
NearPod – Great resources & they’ve got a planning session scheduled. – their Active Home section has awesome games, and daily calendars to keep your family active at home. It’s always Free!
PenPal Schools – At PenPal Schools, we are offering free access to our programming to all teachers and schools affected by the virus. *This may or may not be available for homeschool or co-op groups, but it’s worth a try!
Rockalingua – Music Based Spanish Learning. They want to make sure teachers have all the tools they need to be able to keep teaching while schools are closed and that’s why we are providing free Teacher Pro upgrades to all subscribers impacted by school closures. They also have awesome free resources.
ScienceWerkz – Get your 5 for FREE downloads now, by following the instructions on their website!
Seneca – On the front page there is a section called ‘Free Teaching Resources’, the topics are listed by subject and exam board. Each section then has ppt, exam questions, videos etc – really useful. Sign Up for Free. We use this one too! Highly recommended for families in the UK.
Seterra Geography – Awesome geography learning games. We’ve used them for years!
Sight Reading Factory – Sight-singing & Sight Reading Music! Free Service Through June 30th.
SmartMusic – SmartMusic is a web-based suite of music education tools that support efficient practice, helping musicians to develop and grow. – is an app that makes it easy to practice instruments and understand how music works by playing well-known songs together in school and at home Free Forever Plan today to empower teachers with resources. This may or may not be available for homeschool or co-op groups, but it’s worth a try!
StoryBoard – Over 2,000 Lesson Plans and Activities Free Access Until 4/15/2020. – I use TES quite a lot at home, but not this part of the platform. Looks interesting!
Typing Club – Always Free!
Vooks – 1 Year Free Trial for All Teachers & Homeschoolers 1 Free Month For Parents.
Vroom App–
Free educational tips and scientific explanations for parents of children 0 to 5 are available by app, text, and printables. Always free!
Zearn – Top-rated K-5 curriculum builds deep understanding and a love of learning math for all students. Always free, just sign up.
Zoom – Start your own digital classes now for FREE!
Open & Go Online Education Resources
Are you ready to invest in digital education resources? These self-paced courses are excellent & created to guide your students through subjects independently. If you are looking for open & go resources head to the Shop where you will find Literature, music & history courses ready for your middle & high school students.
Literature Online Education Resources
These are just a few of the 8 products in this category.
More Literature Online Education Resources
These are just a few of the many literature resources available in the shop.
History & Science Online Education Resources
There are currently 7 online courses for science & history including online unit study courses about Archimedes, Galileo & Newton.
Let’s Study Nikola Tesla: Get Amped Unit Study$5.00
Product on saleGalileo Mini-LessonOriginal price was: $7.00.$0.00Current price is: $0.00.
Let’s Study Famous Scientists Unit Study Bundle$30.00
Let’s Study Galileo: Science & Truth Unit Study$15.00
Archimedes: Beyond “Eureka!” Unit Study$7.00
Isaac Newton Unit Study: A Life of Discovery$12.00
Let’s Study Famous Folks Unit Study Sampler$5.00
Newton’s London$5.00 – $12.00
Genius Guide to Homeschool Learning Using the World as Your Textbook.$7.00
More Resources:
65 Ways to Have Fun with Your Kids At Home
Virtual Museum Tours For Doing School At Home
Family Activities at Home: Boredom Busters, Educational Projects, and Fun for All Ages
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