image of female doing sign language lesson with text overlay. Mr. D Math Self-Paced Classes. American Sign Language (ASL I) curriculum review from

Self-Paced ASL I with Mr. D Math

Are you looking for an additional elective that would be fun to add to the school year? This self-paced American Sign Language (ASL I) course is perfect for homeschool students looking for something a little different for foreign language credit.

image of child at laptop using free typing lessons & games on

Type Dojo: The Secret to Gameschooling

Ok, I know your kids are just like mine. They want it to be fun, not take too long, and be able to ‘level up’ as quickly as possible. In fact, if it didn’t look like school work at all that would be perfect! Type Dojo’s free online typing practice & games make homeschooling fun and effective for everyone. Grab the Type Tracker Log Sheet to track progress.
