Be A Smart Traveler Superhero.
Is your family “The Incredibles” of family travel? Not many of us are, but with intention and passion, anyone who wants to can be a Smart Traveler Superhero.
You know, even The Incredibles had to start somewhere. I’m pretty sure they went to superhero school, didn’t they? They certainly spent plenty of time teaching their kids how to properly use their superhero skills for good and for taking care of the family.
Those same ideas translate well for all kinds of families but especially families that love to travel. There is an education that comes only from experiencing the world together.
There is nothing that binds knowledge in our memories better than experience.
So you might be asking, “How do you teach smart travel superhero skills while traveling?
For us, it’s seizing a teachable moment and experiencing it together. Taking homeschool on the road and learning on location is where it happens. Like the time our kids learned how important it is to be aware of your surroundings and do as you are asked.
Let me tell you about one of our days in Italy. It’s amazing the things you can learn just going to a grocery store first thing in the morning, in a different country.
You see, on our first morning in Italy, we went to the grocery store (Carre Four). There was nothing but juice and coffee in our budget Airbnb flat, so we all agreed to just get up and head to the store first thing for some breakfast items and a few picnic things to take with us for the day.
We got our items and the kids were so hungry we decided to ‘tailgate’ (eat at the car but not in the car). We had gotten croissants and fruit. The last thing I wanted in the car was grape seeds and croissant flakes and crumbs! We ate in the morning sunshine, sticking out like tourists in the car park.
My husband and I noticed a few of the local guys hanging out at the shopping carts had ‘made’ us. They were keeping their eye on us, looking for an opportunity for a scam. They’d already tried asking folks for help (in English) for a girlfriend who had come on hard times and needed a few groceries, but they didn’t have enough to “help her out.” And, while that might be true, a grocery store at 9 am (speaking English) is not the correct scenario for this Italian town.
We knew something wasn’t right almost immediately.
I was eating quickly and trying to rush the kids, who of course could not be rushed because these were “the best croissants ever!” An older Italian gentleman drove up next to us, got his shopping bags out of the boot of his car and looked me in the eye, and gently pulling down on the skin underneath his eye (the Italian gesture for “keep your eyes alert”) while saying, “Attenzione, male’!”
I smiled and answered, “Si, capito. Andiamo pronto.” (Yes, I understand. We are leaving soon/quickly.) He nodded and went about his shopping. The shopping cart guys approaching him as he entered as well.
Smart Traveler Super Power: Listen to the locals.
With that gentle warning, I didn’t care about grape seeds and croissant flakes in the rental car. We got in and were on our way in no time.
Of course, my son wanted to know why we rushed to get in the car with our croissants when I had just told them to eat outside the car in order to keep it clean! We explained that the guys over by the shopping carts were up to no good and that even the Italian guy that parked next to us had warned us. And, based on that warning, we needed to go…now.
Of course, my son was like, “Whatever! Can I have another croissant?”
I’m pretty sure he thought he knew better than the local and his parents. Ultimately, we had an absolutely wonderful day exploring Grottaferrata, Lago Albano and the hilltowns of Rocca di Pappi. It was a great day out!
At the end of the day, the plan was to grab a few items for dinner to cook at the flat that night in order to keep within our travel budget. So, we went back to the grocery store on our way home.
I wish I could have taken a picture of my son’s face upon arrival in the car park! (Think Macauley Culkin in Home Alone!) The same 2 guys were STILL at the shopping carts looking for an easy scam. My son was shocked (I was too, honestly). I was vindicated! My Smart Traveler Superhero skill had paid off. Mom had not over-reacted!
However, now I was a bit concerned since we had drawn enough attention to ourselves this morning. I didn’t want to draw any more attention if at all possible. I knew they would remember us.
Smart Traveler Superpower: Make a Plan.
So the plan was for me to go do a quick shop while everyone else stayed in the car. So, I hopped out of the car and headed in. As soon as I entered the market, I remembered I left my shopping bag in the car and had to immediately turn around go back.
Dang! There was that shopping cart guy, looking right in my direction. I kept walking, got my bag and headed back into the shop with my best, “I’m-in-a-hurry-don’t-mess-with-me” face. I quickly grabbed what we needed for dinner, paid and headed back to the car.
On my way back, I noticed that since it was getting dark, they had switched their game up to look like they were headed into the store with a cart, but would always turn back toward the shopping cart corral mid-way…as though they were looking to be hit by a car, or something!
I couldn’t believe it! Well, yes I could, it seemed pretty classic to me. I hopped in the car and told my husband to drive out the way we did this morning in order to avoid the whole pedestrian with a shopping cart situation.
My son still couldn’t believe that mom was right and the guys were still there trying to pull a scam.
Me? I was kinda liking the feeling of being a Smart Traveler Superhero!
Over dinner that evening, we talked about our day, what we had witnessed, and learned. We spent quite a while discussing how we should keep each other safe in the future. My son brought up the idea of a code word. We all agreed that this was a really good idea.
And that, my smart-traveling friends, is how the code word, “Carre Four Male” came to be our family code word. We all agreed at that point that if any of us used that word, whatever instruction was given was to be followed without discussion, question or argument. As parents, we underscored that we could trust each other but that we all needed to obey even if it wasn’t clearly understood as to why or for how long.
Smart Traveler Super Power: Know before you go.
Let me just say that this is not really how smart family travelers should come up with a family code word. It’s wisest to have the discussion before the trip. Make the decision in a relaxed manner and hope you never have to use it. Learning a little about the country and rehearsing your code word are all great ways to sharpen your ‘Know before you go!’ superpowers.
But…we all know seeing is believing. My kids would never have believed they needed something as silly (in their mind) as a code word for safety. But the lesson has more weight and will be remembered because of the experience that it is attached to it.
Life lessons are always like that, aren’t they?
Are you ready to use your Smart Traveler Superhero skills and tools to stay safe and teach your family life skills? If you don’t know where to begin, or it all seems too overwhelming and scary, then let these resources help you out. Everything you need is right here.
Virtual Museums & Unit Studies are the perfect way to keep the dream alive while you plan.
Read more about how we exercised our smart travel superhero skills in Naples, Italy.
Homeschool, Travel & Learn With The Let’s Study Europe Bundle
No more cobbling your curriculum together and hoping it works! Everything you need is included in this World Geography bundle!

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