Learn About Ancient Roman Ruins in Herculaneum, Italy With Kids
Yes, you really want to visit Herculaneum, Italy with kids! Don’t miss the incredible opportunity to walk in ancient Roman ruins, and see archaeologists at work. For ancient history lovers and history learners, Herculaneum is a very enjoyable must-see destination for families traveling in southern Italy.
You might also recognize it as being called Ercolano, but it’s interchangeable. Many family travel guides, maps, and even Wikipedia will use Herculaneum. I’ll be using both, “Ercolano” and “Herculaneum”, but it’s all the same place. You’ll be more likely to see “Ercolano” on signs once you arrive in Italy.
Ercolano is shrouded in ancient mystery that is being revealed and uncovered daily by talented archaeologists from all over the world. It’s a cobblestone village (smaller than the city of Pompeii) that was also destroyed in 79 AD when Mt. Vesuvius erupted, spewing ash and molten lava over most of the region. The fierce explosion (similar to Mount St. Helen’s in Washington State, in the US), and distribution of ash created a unique environment for preserving the remains of the village, its people, and how they lived in ancient Roman society.

6 Top Tips When Visiting Herculaneum’s Ancient Roman Ruins With Kids:
- It’s small-ish, so plan a 1/2 day here. Compared to Pompeii, Herculaneum is a small town. Pompeii was a city. Being small is a big bonus for families because you can easily explore the entire ruins in the morning. Get there first thing to avoid the heat and the crowds.
- Ercolano with kids for Free! Yep, those under 18’s can visit the ruins for free and adults are only about 12 Euro. If you are among the first 10-20 to enter in the morning, come with exact change or a credit/debit card. From my experience, they don’t have much cash on hand to make change first thing in the morning.
- Remember, it’s a working archaeology site. There are digs and restoration projects in progress all over the grounds of this ancient Roman town. It’s very interesting to watch it all happen and the kids will be fascinated to see how it’s all done.
- Herculaneum is a great place for hands-on learning. There are urns to peek into, mosaics to walk on (carefully of course), and frescoes to gaze at as you take in all the ancient Roman ruins. Take a sketchbook, or give the kids a camera. You’ll be surprised by what they find interesting and memorable. Unlike Pompeii’s ancient Roman ruins, there aren’t any frescoes, mosaics, or other art that will produce a barrage of curious questions about the human body.

- Herculaneum with kids is sobering. No matter where you start your journey, you will eventually encounter the ancient Roman cantinas with the skeletal remains of those that lost their lives in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.
- Arriving early is worth it. Herculaneum is best experienced in the morning when the family is fresh. The train ride from either Naples or places like Sorrento is quite cheap. Make sure you get off at Ercolano-Scavi. It doesn’t look like you are just a few hundred feet from these well-preserved ancient Roman ruins, but you are!

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Make a day of it!
If your itinerary allows, head into Naples to see all the artifacts removed from Pompeii & Herculaneum that are housed at the National Museum of Archaeology – Naples. These priceless artifacts are mind-blowing. They are absolutely gorgeous and worth the trip to Naples to see.
Herculaneum is a great springboard for learning more ancient Roman history. Your kids may enjoy learning about mosaic or fresco art and learning about all those Caesars that ruled the Roman Empire. Younger kids will enjoy a good sticker book about Rome (see below). You may even decide you want to learn Latin!

Resources for learning about ancient Rome.
There are loads of resources out there that will help your family learn about life as an ancient Roman. I’ve chosen just a few of the ones our family has used and absolutely loved. The 4 resources below are perfect for the different phases of travel and learning on location – no matter where you are in your learn-on-location journey.

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The Project Passport – Ancient Rome is a great introduction to the ancient Roman culture and is best done before you go – unless you feel like packing it for an extended, slow travel adventure through Italy.
And the Pompeii sticker book….we fell in love with it! This is a sticker book that even an adult would love. My teen daughter begged me to get it, (even though we weren’t even going to Pompeii). It’s beautiful. It has images of the artifacts in full color and is a great way to reflect and remember all the different things seen and experienced in Herculaneum or Pompeii exploring the ancient Roman ruins. It’s even thin enough to buy and bring as a special gift or have it waiting at home for a relaxed, ‘we’ve got jet lag’ school day.
Ancient Roman Ruins in Herculaneum
Without a doubt, these ancient Roman ruins are a highlight of any southern Italy family travel adventure. The ancient history, the hands-on experience, and the beauty of the ancient Roman town of Herculaneum make it a perfect destination for families ready to learn on location using the world as their textbook. Enjoy more family travel adventures in Italy and start planning your own trip and the curricula to go with it today!
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I love that it is free for kids! Especially when it is such a great learning experience.
I was really surprised too. It made it much easier for me to let the kids get a keepsake from the gift shop knowing I’d only spent 12 Euro for all of us to be there.