Spring Homeschool Life
There is just something about homeschooling in spring, isn’t there? I’m not sure if it’s the longer days, the fact that everyone successfully survived winter, or the anticipation of being able to put the books away and head outdoors that makes spring homeschool life so great.
Many homeschooling families love homeschooling in the spring. Having season-focused homeschool resources, along with opportunities to explore outdoors, creates a perfect combination for enjoying the spring homeschool season. It’s the chance to read good books outside, go on nature walks after dinner because it’s still light out. All the while, using the world as your classroom.
Sometimes though, it’s also a season of needing that last bit of inspiration to help end the school year well. Homeschool moms are planning for next year and finishing the current year all at the same time. Burnout is quite common, so it’s important to add a few options every week to bring excitement and encouragement to the last leg of the school year. Field trips, an interesting unit study topic, or even ideas for that final presentation. It’s the perfect time to find encouragement for your homeschool journey no matter what stage of homeschool life you are in.

20 Articles To Encourage Your Homeschool Life This Spring
The Homeschool Life – Spring Edition includes 20 exciting articles to encourage and inspire your homeschool family this spring season.
Learning Styles: The Auditory Learner
Hands-on History: Ancient Pyramids
Help! How Do I Homeschool on a Budget?
Learning in Everyday Life
Finding Strength in Your Child’s Weakness
Lab Lesson: Snow
How Do I Do That? Actress!
Preschool Theme Day: Spring
Preparing a High School Transcript
Raising Children in Christ-like Character: Kindness
Project Passport: The Middle Ages
High School Prep Genius
Acts to Revelation
Our Star-Spangled Banner
Organizing the Schoolroom
Homeschooling in the Great Outdoors
Teaching Your Kids Not to Quit
Unit Study: Victorian Age
Virtual Field Trip: The Louvre
Will Your Children Kneel or Bow?
This downloadable magazine is convenient to take with you anywhere you go. The short, in-depth articles, allow you to enjoy any article even if you can only do it a few minutes at a time in your busy homeschool day. The Homeschool Life Magazine is available now and ready to help you enjoy the spring season in your home school.

You will love hearing from these popular homeschool bloggers and curriculum creators
In the Spring edition of Homeschool Life Magazine, you can enjoy 13 popular homeschool bloggers and curriculum creators to find all of the best resources for your homeschool this spring. Find inspiration and encouragement from:
- Melissa Roy – Beyond Mommying
- Danielle Papageorgiou – Life as a Lifeschooler
- Jenna Ouano – Alpha Omega Family Adventures
- Meredith Curtis – Powerline Productions
- Amanda Bowers – Homeschool Outdoors
- Gwendolyn Little – Geez Gwen
- Dianna Wiebe – Grapevine Studies
- Veronica Whitley – HomeWorks by Precept
- Susan Reed – Homeschool Life Magazine
- Jessica Carpinelli – The Coop Homeschool
- Lee Ann Rubsam – Homeschool Character Education
- Kimberley McGee – The Homeschool Cafe
- Shannan Swindler – Captivating Compass
- Annette Vellenga – ANetInTime
- Home School in the Woods
- College Prep Genius
- Drive-Thru History
- Notgrass
- Apologia
Get Your Home School Life Magazine Today And Read Up On The Latest In Homeschool Life This Spring.

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