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8th Grade Reading List Homeschoolers love
You’re looking to homeschool your 8th-grader? I bet you’re looking for books to bring in the best of literature for your rising high schooler’s young mind. Then you don’t want to miss this. It’s a comprehensive 8th-grade reading list of the most intriguing and inspiring literature books for middle schoolers!
From classic literature to more modern pieces, you’ll find the perfect books to make your 8th-grader’s homeschool days both enjoyable and educational.
Classic Literature
When it comes to preparing a reading list for homeschooled 8th graders, classic literature should definitely make the cut. From picture books to full-length novels, classic literature can introduce young readers to stories that have been enjoyed by many generations before them. Such books can expand their thinking and offer deeper insight into culture and history.
Charlotte Mason, an educator in England during the 19th century, popularized a “great book” approach to education. This approach encourages students to read works from master authors like Robert Frost and Mark Twain. Examples of great books that have been enjoyed by 8th graders are Secret Garden, Gulliver’s Travels, Summer of the Swans, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, and Treasure Island. The Little House books are particularly recommended for this age group given their historical context and focus on the inspiring adventures of a young girl growing up in nature’s beauty in rural America during the 1800s.
Classic Lit. study guides & books
Enjoy the books as a read-aloud or for independent learning. Below are resources for books and study guides as well as online courses.
- Robert Frost – Poems make great read-aloud to add to your morning routine.
- Huckleberry Finn, a literature study guide of a Mark Twain favorite.
- Secret Garden, is such a great book. Add a literature guide to help your family get the most out of this classic story.
- Gulliver’s Travels – choose a literature guide to pair with this classic adventure novel
- Summer of the Swans, – Perfect for summer! Pair with this pdf literature guide.
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Pick your favorite literature guide to get the most out of this classic middle school favorite.
- Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, – A literature study guide for this Robert Louis Stevenson classic.
- Treasure Island – an adventure classic to enjoy with your choice of excellent literature guides here.
- The Little House on The Prarie books – Little House in the Big Woods Online Book Club
Newbery Award books also feature some great stories that can be read by 8th-grade students. Not only do these provide wonderful tales with interesting characters but they also help children learn how writers use figurative language as well as other literary techniques such as alliteration or similes when telling enchanting stories or creating entertaining poems or songs for recitation.
Any eighth grader will definitely benefit from exploring classic literature during their studies; such timeless works offer important life lessons while opening up new perspectives on literature and world culture in general!

American History in Literature
Incorporating online courses into any eighth-grade homeschool book list is an excellent way to provide an education in American history. Reading a historical fiction novel such as “Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry” can give a child a realistic understanding of the difficulties faced by African Americans in the South during segregation. Introducing a classic novel like “The Call of the Wild” can be fun and engaging, while also providing insight into U.S. history with its descriptions of the Klondike gold rush period.
Reading books from different American time periods is a great way to introduce students to historical events that happened across different eras. Classic novels like Little Women will give your student an appreciation for 19th-century life, whereas something such as “The Witch of Blackbird Pond” will bring students into Colonial America and introduce them to why settlers fled from Europe to begin their lives in the New World. For those with animal lovers in their classroom, “Old Yeller” or ‘The Red Fern Grows’ provide insight into life on the ranch during 19th century.

For those looking for a field trip without leaving the house, these books are an excellent addition to any 8th-grade homeschool book list and can give children an understanding of literature while at the same time immersing them in American history. With an incredible range of books on lists, finding one that is sure to capture your student’s imagination should not be difficult.
Dystopian Literature
When it comes to understanding dystopian literature, it is important for 8th-grade homeschool literature courses to introduce the correct book to their students. High school students can certainly enjoy the complexity of books like The Hunger Games, but for younger middle schoolers, those stories may be over their grade level.
For 8th-grade homeschoolers, the right book selection will help ensure they have an age-appropriate experience while deepening their understanding of dystopian literature. Suggested titles include The Giver by Lois Lowry, The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and 1984 by George Orwell. Older students who are looking for a more mature reading list can explore works like Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury or Station 11 by Emily St John Mandel.
Search for your favorite version of these Dystopian literature books on Amazon.com.
Reading these diverse books helps students foster an understanding of dystopian literature and its impact on society as well as themes such as rebellion, using technology responsibly, and identifying effective leadership styles. With engaging stories and characters that connect with young readers’ lives and experiences, these titles are sure to make your 8th-grade homeschool literature study a hit!
8th-grade reading list: check your library
No matter what your 8th grader might be interested in reading, this literature list features some amazing titles perfect for their age group! Be sure to check out your local library for these fantastic stories or find them online through vendors like Amazon or Barnes & Noble — and get ready for some great reads!
World History in Literature
Incorporating world history in literature is a great way for 8th-grade homeschool students to learn about the past and its impact on the present. A good place to start is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, which is a true story of heroism and faith set during World War II. Another modern classic is The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank which offers an inspiring perspective on hope in the midst of intense wartime conditions.
One well-known work from French author Alexandre Dumas is The Count of Monte Cristo, which touches upon themes such as vengeance and justice in revolutionary France. It’s an exciting adventure story that offers insight into the era’s political climate. Another classic novel set during this period is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley – while it isn’t strictly historical, its gothic elements explore how literary works so often reflect on their historical context.
Novels like these bring together history and literature to provide 8th-grade homeschool students with a fascinating look at times gone by. Working your way through this reading list with your child will help them take important lessons away from each piece that they can apply to both their studies and life in general.
8th-Grade Reading List: Homeschool Literature Guides
Finding suitable 8th-grade online literature guides can be challenging, especially if you are homeschooling your child. When selecting reading material for an 8th-grade student, it is important to assess their reading level before making a selection. You may also want to consider whether or not Common Sense Media suggests the student should read a book at their current grade level.
Select books that are appropriate for your 8th-grade student’s maturity level and comprehension.
When choosing literature books, be sure to look for books that emphasize real-world issues and situations, as well as those that contain positive moral lessons. Additionally, you may want to consult other parents who have dealt with similar topics when selecting reading material for your child.
Lastly, remember to track both the progress of your child in terms of reading level and the number of book choices they make throughout the school year. Doing so will provide an indication of their overall mastery of literature while providing insight into which types of literature they prefer most. With this information in hand, you will have all the resources necessary to create tailored instruction that fits the needs of your 8th grader in order to successfully complete their study of literature within a homeschool setting!
Parents, please check out Common Sense Media, or ask your homeschool friends for insight. It’s up to you to decide if these books are a good fit for your family.
Eighth Grade Reading List: Middle School Favorites
A great book deserves an excellent literature guide for you and your middle schooler. Find them here!
- The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien: A classic fantasy novel about a hobbit who goes on an adventure to reclaim his lost home.
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: A dystopian novel about a girl who is forced to fight to the death in an annual televised event.
- Night by Elie Wiesel: A memoir about the author’s experiences as a teenager in Auschwitz.
- Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: A dystopian novel about a society where books are banned and burned.
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: A classic American novel about a young girl who witnesses the trial of a black man accused of rape.
- Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor: A historical novel about a black family living in Mississippi during the Great Depression.
- Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan: An allegorical novel about a man’s journey to heaven.
And of course, search for your favorite version of these books on Amazon.com.
These books are all challenging and thought-provoking, and they will help your child to develop a love of reading. Check common sense Media Reviews here.
8th-grade Reading List: Download

Combine your 8th-Grade Reading List literature with exciting history
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