Thankfulness. Then & Now…
Life, after moving to Scotland and starting a travel blog to inspire and educate homeschoolers in using the world as their textbook, is SO different that life before all that. Looking back on it now, I realize I’ve been wrecked. Wrecked by thankfulness. The journey makes the destination so worth it.
Thankful For Community.
“In everything give thanks.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
Eleven years ago this month, this verse became my mantra. I said it through tears. Crying in pain and exhaustion after my son was born. According to my doctors, they had not heard of or seen anyone who lived through postpartum eclampsia, acute kidney failure, and DIC. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a condition in which blood clots form throughout the body, blocking small blood vessels. What are the odds of surviving that? I forget the number the doctor gave me. I know it had at least one comma in it and plenty of numbers on either side of that comma. That was the beginning of my journey of thankfulness in all things.
The beginning of the autumn season of 2008 saw me thankful for doctors, nurses, and medical professionals. All of them in the right place at the right time. Keen awareness via a God-given ability to know exactly what to do even though none of them had seen anything like my case – except in the textbooks.
As the early hours of October 2, 2008, unfolded, God began to move and prove He is worthy of our thanks – no matter the circumstances. Here are just a few things from that early October day in 2008:
- Because we lived across the street from a community hospital, paramedics were able to get to our house in 90 seconds (they were literally sitting in their ambulance 2 blocks away) and got me to A&E in 7 minutes. Saving my life.
- The ER doctor on call was the perfect one for me. She quickly narrowed down her diagnosis to 3 possibilities and began intervention with immediate blood transfusion, and dialysis.
- My best friend (and nurse at the same hospital) actually woke up at 2 am because she heard her phone beeping in the other room. Mind you, the doors were shut between her room and the kitchen at the other end of the house. She immediately flew into action heading to our house to take care of a newborn (he was born at home), and a pre-schooler (who soundly slept through everything). and freeing up the midwife and her assistant to consult with the doctors in the ER and tend to the mess I left behind after hemorrhaging.
I’m so incredibly thankful for each of them.
After a few days of absolute craziness for my husband and my dear friend, our church family stepped up and took an offering to assist with the immediate needs. On the spot, God’s abundant provision through our faithful friends and church provided enough to cover our deductible.
By the end of the church service that first Sunday after Ian was born, countless volunteers had signed up to
- bring meals,
- have my daughter over for playdates,
- care for my son,
- cook, clean, do laundry, buy groceries.
Literally, everything was taken care of. I could focus on healing. My husband could focus (as best as he could) on running our business and caring for our two precious kids.
Someone even handed him a $100 Starbucks gift card telling him, “I think you’ll be needing this in the coming days.”
At this point in life, we weren’t homeschooling. I was fully committed to a great school in our neighborhood. As our family healed both emotionally and physically, we grew accustomed to being thankful for life, family, and community. We were humbled by the generosity of so many. The graciousness of God to bestow such knowledge, wisdom, and direction on so many who assisted in saving my life has turned my hear to thankfulness.
We are who we are today because of the part each played in this community of which we are so grateful to be apart.
As the year progressed, I was just a tired mama. Who knows if it was because of recovery or caring for 2 small children. Pretty sure it was both. God continued to guide and direct as the economy of 2010 took a nosedive. We pivoted as best we could with the business. Ultimately lost it and had to re-think what God would have us do.
Read Part 2 of Wrecked by Thankfulness.

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I didn’t actually know all of this Shannie. So glad you made it through dear friend. Thankful for you and your family ❤
Really?!? Oh wow! Yea, it was a bit of a crazy time. I guess I felt like everyone knew, based on how many people were coming to the house to do various things to help out. So glad to still be hanging out with friends like you! Come visit! ❤?