Table of Contents
we want Our kids to LOVE learning, right?
We love Latin at our house (we really do)! But there are days when it is a struggle to conjugate and decline those verbs and nouns without going Cray Cray!
I have some fairly specific criteria for most of my curriculum choices now that we live outside the US. Ideally, it should be .pdf-based and/or streaming content. This allows us to go anywhere and still accomplish school. All we need is a Wi-Fi connection! Oh, and earbuds!
The Annual Curriculum Hunt
In my hunt (usually over the summer) for our next level of Latin curriculum, I stumbled onto Compass Classroom. They meet my basic criteria – .pdf-based and streamed lessons. If you have not checked them out, go do it! They have excellent resources, are priced well, and even have the Course Bundles, and specifically a Latin 1 & 2 Bundle. Such a sweet deal! Check it out!
Curriculum Samples!
If you are like me, you might want to test their sample lessons with your kids before you decide on Latin. WOW! Did you know you can get 4 FREE Visual Latin Lessons? We did their sample lessons over 2 weeks and learned and laughed so much! There is no way to NOT laugh through Latin! Dwane Thomas is intelligent and engaging. We laugh every day it seems! I’m sure laughing helps improve memory and understanding!
Oodles of Extras!
Along with the Streamed videos, Compass Classroom provides worksheets, vocabulary lists, and quizzes. They also use Quizlet for vocabulary practice. Dwane’s Awesome Latin Lists & Latin Readers, as well as links to listen to Latin texts being read. It is such a rich curriculum!
We LOVE hanging out with Dwane every day! He’s making this year’s Latin fun and fantastic! No more Cray-Cray here!
Visual Latin
Master a difficult subject and make it enjoyable with this entertaining curriculum. Laid out in a clear, natural pace, Visual Latin is a simple addition for your homeschool family.
Age 10+
Full Credit Class
Compass Classroom has more than Latin!
Look at all these digital/streamable courses Compass Classroom has for your homeschool!
History & Economics
History & economics for high school. These courses offer everything you might need for a solid high school transcript.
American History
Year 1 in Dave Raymond’s History Series [1500s to 1910]
The first course in a four-year study from Dave Raymond that spans Antiquity to Christendom, then America’s founding through Modernity. If you’re looking for a great start to a comprehensive four-year history program, this is it. Recommended for high school students, ages 13+
Full Credit Class
Modern History
Year 2 in Dave Raymond’s History Series [1600s to 2000]
Using a Christian worldview, students will discover why historical events of the 17th century impacted the 20th century and are still important today. The second course in a four-year study from Dave Raymond spans Antiquity to Christendom, then America’s founding through Modernity. Recommended for high school students, ages 14+
Full Credit Class
Antiquity | Ancient History
Year 3 in Dave Raymond’s History Series [Creation to AD 33]
Journey with Dave Raymond as he tackles great ideas through events and key historical figures (Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, the golden age of Greece, the Peloponnesian War, Alexander the Great, the Punic Wars, and the Fall of the Roman Empire). Students gain a Biblical worldview of the origins of history — a must-have curriculum for homeschool families. Antiquity is the third course in a four-year study. Recommended for high school students age 15+
Full Credit Class
Christendom | Medieval History
Year 4 in Dave Raymond’s History Series [AD 33 – 1600]
With over 50 hours of video instruction, discover the compelling stories of emperors, monks, barbarians, and battles, while traveling through medieval history alongside St. Benedict, Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, Genghis Khan, and more. Learn how Christianity spread and influenced everything from art to government to science, and find out why the middle ages weren’t so dark after all in this fourth installment of our four-year study. Recommended for high school students age 14+
Full Credit Class
Grammar, Literature & Poetry
Don’t miss the newly released Word Up! Vol. 2 & 3. There is a variety of literature & poetry curricula. See all literature & poetry curricula here.
Vocabulary | Word Up!
Enjoy all three volumes of WordUp!, a homeschool family favorite vocabulary curriculum that expands your student’s vocabulary in a whole new way! Dwane Thomas of Visual Latin stars in this entertaining game show which uses the study of Latin and Greek roots to help grasp vocabulary used in literature, science, and standardized tests. It’s a zany game-show style course sure to make your students laugh.
Language Arts/Grammar Supplement Class
Writing Through the Wardrobe
Author and professor Jonathan Rogers of Grammar for Writers teaches high school students how to improve their own creative writing by examining the literary elements of Narnia. Part of the Creative Writing with Jonathan Rogers series. This product is only available in a streaming digital format
Creative Writing
Author and professor Jonathan Rogers of Grammar for Writers teaches high school students how to improve their creative writing by examining the literary elements of three significant novels and a novel written by the teacher himself. Discover what makes literature good as Rogers walks through these famous novels.
- The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe,
- The Hobbit
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- The Bog Owl
Grammar of Poetry
The Grammar of Poetry teaches the mechanics of poetry by using the classical approach of imitation. It is designed for 6-9th grade level but is also appropriate for older children and adults seeking to achieve a better knowledge of how poetry works.
Note: There are no digital books included with this course, only physical ones.
Science & Logic
Excellent digital science (with a lab!) and logic courses for high school credit!
Updated details coming soon. Until then, check out the Science curriculum and Logic curriculum. There are loads of sample lessons.
Creation Science
An in-depth exploration of the fascinating world of creation science, created by the producer of Is Genesis History? Fulfill a high school non-lab science credit with a unique mixture of videos, readings, research, and apologetics from a Christian worldview.

Devotional Biology
Designed to fully integrate the biological sciences with a Christian worldview, Devotional Biology is an amazing opportunity to learn high school biology from one of the top creation scientists in the world. Taught by experienced professor Dr. Wise — it’s a unique homeschool course.
Age 15+
Middle School Science
Bonnie Kookogey brings her 19 years of homeschool mentoring and licensed nursing experience to bear in General Science & Physical Science. Students explore geology, paleontology, archaeology, simple machines, science history, the scientific method, and experimental design, concluding with an introduction to life sciences and biology, human anatomy, and human physiology. This lecture series uses the Apologia Science curriculum.
Age 12-14
Introductory & Intermediate Logic is key to helping students excel in every subject they study, from math and science to rhetoric and humanities. This course will help students understand the fundamentals of thinking correctly.
Age 13+
Looking for somehting specific?
The Compass Classroom Course Catalog has everything you need to home school with ease. Memberships, self-paced video streaming and loads of free resources. Take a look!

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MORE Curricula!
Make sure you check out these curricula for your middle or high school student,