image of boy in hat with camera reading map with text overlay. Inspire Learning. Homeschool Road Map from

Homeschool Road Map

Do you have a homeschool road map? I was so inspired by a recent homeschool conference workshop that I sat my kids down and we …

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imge of kids dressed as super heroes with text overlay. 65 ways to have fun with your kids at home. From

65 Ways to Have Fun with Your Kids At Home

Grab your Family Fun download here. This calendar download of super fun (and easy) things to do each day is exactly what you need to get organized and have fun with your kids at home. With everyone trying to accomplish something, have a good mix of academics, fun activities, and ways to just blow of energy are going to be needed.

image of Victorian book from a Dickens book with text overlay. Let's Study Charles Dickens Victorian England from

Charles Dickens Victorian England Unit Study

Let’s Study Charles Dickens not only brings to life the era in which most Dickens books are set but opens up the world of Dickens literature beyond the best-known works. Get started now.
