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Homeschool Lesson Planning: How To Tips For The Best Curriculum Plan This Year.
Are You Looking for The Best Online Homeschool Planner for Busy Digital Homeschool Families?
As life gets busier, and digital homeschooling more popular, homeschool lesson planning is becoming more and more important. Whether you want to make your next homeschool year better or you just need a few tips on how to find the best curriculum lesson plans that are easy to implement, enjoy exploring the latest options available at Homeschool Planet this year.
What are your family life and homeschool goals? Are you juggling kids and activities? Swapping out the (too) many hats you wear in an effort to maintain balance while spinning the plates of family life and homeschooling? You need an online homeschool planner to help!
Stop the homeschool madness!
What’s my secret sauce? If it’s gonna happen, it’s gotta have a plan. Whether it’s travel, homeschooling, or “mompreneuring”, And if it’s all in one place for everyone? Boom! That’s the secret sauce for a less hectic schedule.
So…to kick off your homeschool planning, I’m sharing with you my homeschool secret sauce recipe for homeschool sanity. I am thrilled to partner with Homeschool Planet (affiliate) to bring you this online digital homeschool planner perfect for the traveling homeschool family.
Recently I go to spend time with the creators of Homeschool Planet. Here’s an exclusive walk-through of this digital homeschool hub.
Trust me, I know what it’s like!
If you want to find a way to get your life in order (all in one place for everything and everyone!), then you will want to head over to Homeschool Planet and check out everything they offer with their membership. It’s not just an online planner. You will find lesson plans for many of your favorite curricula and maybe even some you’ve been wanting to try.
This growing collection of lesson plans can be installed with a simple click. This is such a HUGE time saver and you will love it! So while you’re over there, take a look at the Lesson Plan Marketplace to see the many popular curricula you can find lesson plans for.

The benefits of using an online homeschool planner
Homeschool Planet’s wide selection of homeschool curriculum makes the daunting task of finding the resources for a specific subject that matches your homeschool philosophy super easy! The good news is that if your younger children love the Charlotte Mason style of learning and your middle school kids need a game plan that includes a traditional schedule, Homeschool Planet can help you with the entire planning process.
Everyone has different ways they like to see their calendars. Some like to see the overall goals for a specific time period while others prefer “at a glance calendars”. Then there are those that need sticky notes to help the manage the crazy school days. My oldest daughter prefers the weekly schedule, and I need all those sticky notes and to-do list items.
Homeschool Planner Flexibility
As a homeschool parent, you get to plan the entire year or just the next homeschool day. It’s that flexible. First, choose your subject areas like language arts or social studies. The next step is to choose yearly homeschool plans with specific lesson plans for a certain number of weeks or create your own lesson plans using the homeschool lesson planner tools.

Homeschool Planning Tutorials
The tutorials provided by Homeschool Planet give a general overview and simple steps to follow to create the perfect plan that homeschool moms, high schoolers, and the entire family will love. Take some time to do a little research into the growing collection of pre-built lesson plans. You will probably find at least one that you are using already and many more you will want to add for an upcoming year.
Still not sure? Take it for a spin for 30 days!
The features of a good online homeschool planner
You are going to want to ensure that you are using an online homeschool planner with powerful tools within the platform! Raise your hand if you are looking to add these great ideas to simplify your homeschool journey.
- Create daily schedules and a daily routine for your family. I’m talking about daily chores, homework assignments, and even to-do lists
- Incorporate an easy way for managing your homeschool schedule no matter the grade level of your kids.
- Add field trips and extracurricular activities to your calendar to enrich your homeschooling experience
- Design an enjoyable place to keep everything organized and customize the desktop to each person’s preferences.

Homeschool Planner Must-Haves
When I began searching for a tool that was going to help me homeschool anywhere, these were the things I was looking for. I also wanted to ensure I was able to:
- keep track of grades because I need proof of work completed.
- create transcripts because college & university applications require a transcript.
- track days and hours so I can ensure my kids are within the attendance requirements of my state or country.
- set alarm notifications so we can get out the door or into a live online class on time.
Happily, I found all this, and so much more, in Homeschool Planet!

We love using all the little features too!
My kids love that they can actually text me from within the platform if needed. I love that we can create shopping lists and send it to that week’s ‘designated shopper’. My daughter is an avid reader, so creating book lists for her was such a bonus! She can keep track of what she wants to read and how many books she read for enrichment rather than just schoolwork. My son enjoys the desktop designs so he can personalize his area and switch it up whenever he wants.
All these little features put a smile on our faces and create joy in our homeschool journey that we have not found in any other online homeschool planner.
How to choose the right online homeschool planner for your family
Every family is different. Those coming from a public school may want common core style curriculum resources while others just need a basic plan to fit their relaxed overall plan for school. These are the important things to consider when looking for new ways to organize a homeschool plan.
After 14 years of homeschooling, I’ve spent so much time goal setting and looking for homeschool tips to help me plan a school calendar that fits our style. Now, after 4 years of using Homeschool Planet’s online, digital planner, the search is over. It provides everything we need. It’s digital, flexible, and allows us to create our own lesson plans or add pre-built lesson plans that support our homeschool philosophy.

How to get the most out of your online homeschool planner
You’ll get the most out of your homeschool planner by taking a look at it daily (once you have it all tailored to your personal homeschool style). Teaching your family to make checking their planner the very first thing of the day will help get everyone off to a good start. Add it to your morning time routine or whenever seems to be the perfect time for you.
I personally take a look at it the night before, then in the morning after we have gathered for breakfast, I go over the day with everyone and then specific items with each kiddo to help them stay on track.
Because Homeschool Planet keeps you organized and helps your kids stay on task, you will find that there is plenty of time to add in fun family activities a couple of times a week. The important thing is to use the homeschool planner to create structure and flexibility within your homeschool.
What’s the next Homeschool Planning step?
Take Homeschool Planet for A Test Drive!
It doesn’t take a lot of time to understand that using Homeschool Planet is the next logical homeschool planning step. The 30-day free trial will help you see that it will be the perfect fit for your homeschool family.

Homeschool Planning for Your Busy Homeschool Life
The beauty of homeschooling is that we can make it what we want and change a particular subject whenever we see that our homeschooling journey has taken a turn and our kid’s big picture goals for life have shifted.
After setting up my first year with Homeschool Planet, I had to go to France for about 10 days. It was right in the busiest time of school for us, March, when the kids were well established with their individual routines and touching base with me when needed for guidance.
Telling them that they were going to continue their schooling for the first time with me away was a little overwhelming for everyone. Having dad at home supervising was doable because I gave him a basic outline of the day and added parent permissions so he could see and interact with each kid’s lessons as needed.
With me just a phone call, text, or video chat away, it was easy for us to continue with our lessons even though we were on two different continents at the time. I promised my husband he did not have to grade any work (he was so relieved), all he a to do was make sure everyone got fed and that everyone did what was on their Homeschool Planet planner each day.
While there were a few hiccups getting kids to extracurricular activities on time, we all succeeded in digital homeschooling in a way we never imagined thanks to Homeschool Planet.
So if you share homeschool responsibilities with a tutor, spouse, grandparent, or nanny, it’s super easy to incorporate them into your routine.
The Bonus for My College Student!

Being able to guide older kids in independent learning and teaching them to enjoy their free time and plan a kind of schedule that produces a healthy life balance is crucial. Homeschool Planet has all the tools, curriculum, and support you need to ensure you realize the benefits of homeschooling.
The online resources for school books, curriculum, and the number of lessons to support the different needs and learning styles of your family make Homeschool Planet the perfect choice.
I was over the moon when my oldest asked if she could set up her university classes in Homeschool Planet to help keep her on track with everything.
~Shannan, Homeschool Mom
So lead the way homeschool mama!
Your kids will follow the model for success you help them create.
Read more about how we use Homeschool Planet to plan an adventure in our homeschool.
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