Is classic literature part of your homeschool high school curriculum? Get to know some of the most famous authors in literary history, and be inspired by their timeless stories. Get ready to engage your teen with these unforgettable famous authors, and their stories. Discover famous people in history by reading the works of famous authors every teen should know.
Table of Contents
Famous People in History: Authors of Ancient Literature
Famous people in literature have had an influence over generations of readers, young and old. Teens often find these stories fascinating and inspiring, whether it’s about ancient civilizations or medieval castles. With a wide variety of literature available spanning various genres, teens can explore various topics such as classical poetry, historical figures, Nobel Prize-winning works, biographical accounts, and much more.
Reading about famous people in literature is an ideal way for teens to further their understanding of history and learn about the people that shaped their world. By introducing them to cultures from the past through reading various stories, teens can gain new perspectives on those who created historical works.
Ancient Literature Writers
From the Persian poet Hafiz to the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius to the great Greek dramatist Euripides, there are plenty of famous people in literature teens should know. Curiosity is satisfied when exploring different realms of cultural history and experiencing different worlds through reading. These figures have had resonant voices throughout history — ones whose stories challenge our perceptions of ideas such as human relationships, justice, and social status.
Reading stories featuring famous figures in literature provides a unique opportunity for teens to gain insight into humanity throughout different eras. Understanding universal themes like love and hope that transcends time periods are part of each lesson. Whether it’s through classic tales including Homer’s “The Odyssey” or modern gems like Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Interpreter of Maladies”, there are countless narratives featuring some of history’s most celebrated writers ready to be discovered by today’s generation of readers.
The earliest literature of the ancient era would include the Epic of Gilgamesh, and British literature favorites include:
- Beowulf – a narrative poem.
- Caedmon’s Hymn – Perhaps the oldest hymn written in English was composed in the 7th century. It was rescued by Bede when he added it to one of his books in Latin.
- Bede, or Bede’s Death Song – A short poem written on his deathbed. This is the same Bede that rescued Caedmon’s hymn.
- Dream of the Rood – is considered the earliest English dream poetry.
Historically, this is the age of literature from the Anglo-Saxons, the ancient dynasties of Asia, as well as early writings depicting human history.
Famous People in History: Authors of Medieval & Renaissance Literature
Literature from the Middle Ages can be a great source of inspiration for teens. They get to explore the world around them and search for meaning in their everyday lives. There are many famous people in literature during this period that every teen should be familiar with and learn about. Julius Caesar has been widely studied and praised as a leader of immense grit and determination. His influence on modern times is widely noted, particularly in the field of politics. William Shakespeare is also another one of these influential people that teens should recognize. His plays are not only still widely read today. They showcase his genius when it comes to telling stories filled with captivating drama and memorable characters. Other influential figures from medieval literature include Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Aquinas, Dante Alighieri, and Jean de Meun who wrote some of the most important works during this period.
From political leaders to influential authors, there are many famous people in literature from the Middle Ages for teens to discover and learn about. With their inspiring stories and beliefs, learning about these important figures can help teens gain perspective into the journeyed past while allowing them to reflect upon their own lives in the present day. It’s time to explore some inspiring medieval works that shaped history.
Medieval literature spans some 500+ years and is often broken down into early, middle, and late medieval eras. It includes works produced during the historical time periods best known for famous leaders and significant figures like:
- Joan of Arc – French martyr
- King Arthur – a mythical king of England
- Leonardo da Vinci, who painted the Mona Lisa
- William Shakespeare – poet and playwright
- Galileo – Italian scientist/astronomer
- Johannes Keppler – German scientiss/atraonomer
- Oliver Cromwell – political leader and English statesman
- Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Famous Authors of Modern Literature
The world of literature has produced a significant number of famous people over the years that every teen should know. From classic authors such as Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and Mark Twain to modern writing icons like Oscar Wilde and JK Rowling, there are plenty of famous figures shaping the literary landscape. By familiarizing themselves with the works of these key authors, teens can better understand the impact of literature on today’s culture.
Beginning with Oscar Wilde, this well-known figure was a masterful playwright and poet whose works had far-reaching influence on both theatre and society. His plays like “The Importance of Being Earnest” critique British life during the Victorian Era in witty satire, while his novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” examines how beauty and youth fade away as we age. His writing helps to show teenagers how as time passes we all inevitably change in life.
Modern Literature Writers
Mark Twain is best remembered for his timeless classics “Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn” and “Tom Sawyer” which have been adapted into movies and served as inspiration for countless other works. The themes in these pieces explore morality, societal norms, self-determination, friendship, racism, and many other topics important to teenagers trying to find their way in the world. Charles Dickens is another major author contemporary teens should know, who wrote timeless stories such as A Christmas Carol or Great Expectations which influenced many generations before us.
Overall, reading through stories by these influential writers can help teenagers gain important insights into life that can be applied to our own modern-day situations—from dealing with family issues or trying to fit in with society—and ultimately help young adults become more informed citizens within our society today.
Modern literary greats lived in an era of intense political drama in world history. Influential people from American history include:
- George Washington
- Abraham Lincoln
- Thomas Jefferson
- Benjamin Franklin
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- John F. Kennedy
While many of these famous leaders of American history were prolific writers, they are best known for how they shaped government, policy, and American culture with new ways of thinking. This is represented in the famous literature of this era.
British Literature also represents to the expression of the struggles and accomplishments of Britain’s growing cultural diversity and unique historical perspective. Literature of this era is critical to understanding day-to-day life, thoughts, and cultural challenges. Influential people from British & European history include:
- Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister
- Charles Darwin – Scientist
- Queen Victoria – Queen of England
- Marie Curie – Scientist
- Francis Bacon
Europe’s famous and influential leaders that impacted literature include:
- Karl Marx
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Marie Antoinette
- and so many more.
Famous People in History: Poets
Poetry has shaped the course of history and opened doors to creative works that have inspired many generations. There are a number of famous people in literature every teen should know, especially when it comes to iconic poetry. From Walt Whitman to Maya Angelou and T.S. Eliot, poetry has had a significant impact on the way we view society and the world today.
The United States is home to some well-known poets who have had a major influence on modern culture and whose work is still widely read and admired today. Ralph Waldo Emerson is an American literary icon who expounded upon social revolution in his writing; his poem “Concord Hymn” was famously recited around the Gettysburg battlefield during a Civil War reenactment in 1963, attesting to its impact even over a century later. Emily Dickinson wrote her own version of New England transcendentalism that pushed boundaries for women writers at the time; her poetry continues to be studied for both its formal structure as well as its psychological nuance.
Each of these poets adds something unique to their experiences and their work that’s worth exploring by teenagers looking for an introduction to the world of literature. Their historical significance deserves recognition, but even more so their creative works stand as testaments to literary contributions worth discovering with every new generation.
Additionally, famous poetry came out of many wars and conflicts as a way of processing the tragedy of war. Reading poetry from authors in a historical context will give a richer understanding of history and literature. The French Revolution, the American Revolution, the American Civil War, and World War 1 & 2 are all rich in poetry from famous authors of each era.
Famous People in History: Playwrights
Plays are an excellent way to introduce teens to famous people and historical events from literature. William Shakespeare is one of the most influential people in Western literature, and his plays are perfect for teens to study and explore. Julius Caesar, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet are classics that provide insight into the world of Elizabethan England, as well as highlighting universal themes such as ambition, love, and fate.
Other playwrights such as Christopher Marlowe also have a place in the literary pantheon of works that teens should be familiar with throughout their studies. His plays include Edward II and Doctor Faustus which involve social commentary about man’s relationship with power as well as questioning religious beliefs.
In addition, there are other important figures connected to plays such as Galileo who wrote Dialogue Concerning Two Chief Systems of the World. This was then turned into a play by Bertolt Brecht during the Great Depression. Teens should also know about George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion which featured Eliza Doolittle. She’s a character who learns proper English in order to fit within her social class. Teens can use these references in conversation or even on college applications so it is important for them to know about famous people in literature by studying plays!
Famous People in History: Authors – Reading Lists & Unit Studies for Teens
Let’s start off with Brit. Lit. It’s so exciting. British literature has so much to offer to all teens that want to learn about famous people in history that were authors. Over the next several weeks reading lists by grade level will be added.
- Printable Cornell Note Taking Template | High School
- 12th Grade Reading List: College-Prep For Homeschoolers
- 11th Grade Reading List: Best Books for Homeschoolers
- 10th Grade Reading List Classics: High School Best Books
- 9th Grade Honors Reading List: High School Literature
- 8th-Grade Reading List: Homeschool Literature Books for Middle School
- Famous Authors in History: People Every Teen Should Know
- High School British Literature Curriculum: Victorian – Modern Eras
- High School British Literature Curriculum: Renaissance
- High School British Literature Curriculum For The Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Eras
Captivating Compass Literature Resources
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