Curriculum Frustration. It Happens!
You fell in love with that curriculum at some point, then IT happens! You get that “niggle” that something’s just not right. Curriculum Frustration. The kids aren’t inspired, you’re frustrated and the day drags on and on and on. Then there are the tears. Can you tell I’ve been there? More than once, unfortunately! What worked for one kid will likely not be so smooth for another (at least not at our house!). So, how do you get past curriculum frustration and find a good fit?
I recently spoke with Emma Cummings, of Arise Home Education on this very topic. Have a listen.
We co-authored a post titled Homeschool Planning: UK Home Education Tips & Advice where we offer insight into home education in the UK and tips that will help all home educators no matter where they live or ‘do school’.
Now… onward with how to tackle curriculum frustration and navigate making the best homeschool curriculum choices for your family.
Observe & Reflect
First, just take a step back. Observe and reflect a little. Recognize your kid’s progress (academically, developmentally, socially, and emotionally). Then begin exploring new avenues. We had to do this with Math. We stumbled and fumbled through several math curricula. Each brought more curriculum frustration than the last. Until we settled on CTC Math. It’s been a great fit! Math curriculum frustration solved! I’ve put together a printable that goes along with this post. When you join my mailing list you will get it for free! It will walk you through all the steps.
Thank you! Your “Curriculum: Make the Best Choice” is awesome!! EVERYONE is sending out this type of product, but I haven’t seen any that compare to yours. You did an excellent job, touching on so many aspects that most people don’t take into consideration while trying to choose a curriculum or make a change. Thanks again. Kelly V.
Self-Check & Reflect
When I come head-to-head with curriculum frustration, it’s time for some academic soul-searching on my part. I check in and see if the reason for the challenges in a particular subject is because I’m missing the mark. Am I spending the needed time to prep so that I’m an effective teacher or am I just winging it? Maybe the curriculum is not suited to my child’s learning style. Let’s face it, maybe it’s just a boring subject and I need to find a supplement to breathe some life into it.
After all that introspection, it’s time to look at a different curriculum. Base your selections that cater to your teaching style, your child’s learning style, and your academic goals. These three elements are key! There are so many philosophies, teaching styles, and curricula! Find a good fit. Sometimes this is quite a process, isn’t it? (That’s why I leave it mostly to the lazy days of summer).
Research Resources & Try Samples
Narrow it down to 1 or 2 (ok, maybe 3). Now, roll up your sleeves and try something new! When you finish, sit down and discuss likes and dislikes about the particular subject at hand with everyone involved in the decision. Our family does this together.
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Sign up for the free printable at the end of this post. It is a great resource to walk through all phases of selecting a new curriculum. Want a step-by-step video series to help you make the right choice for your homeschool curriculum? Check out the details and grab the video series here. 👇

Talk With Your Kids
I encourage you to start a dialogue with your children. Find out:
- What did they like about the different subjects you’ve encountered?
- Which subjects did they feel confident in and really enjoy?
- What subjects they find difficult, or uninspiring.
Listen to their insight and then start looking for answers. Ask other homeschool families what they have used or if they have encountered similar challenges. You can even write me a note. I’d be happy to try and help you navigate through a bumpy patch.
Switch Things Up!
Switching things up sometimes is all that’s needed to breathe life back into subjects like Latin, Biology, or even Geography. (Here’s a post on how to have fun with Geography) The samples will usually encourage everyone in some way. You will either find you really do like what you started with originally, or that everyone is ready to move on and try something new. Let the adventure begin!
How do you go about finding subjects that are a good fit for your family?
Don’t forget about the printable! Sign up to get the “Navigating Curriculum Choices” printable! I hope it encourages you as you capture your thoughts, ideas, and observations!

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Frequently Asked Questions
This post outlines the best choices for high schoolers wanting to take world geography or world history.
The Brit Lit post series contains a multitude of resources to help you match the era of British History you are studying with British Literature that is written or set during the same time period. When used together, the Let’s Study Famous British Authors Companion Unit Studies bring historical context to your British literature and history
The Middle School Reading List (available mid-June 2023) has everything you need to make the right literature choice for your tween or teen. It includes easy-to-follow literate guides for family or self-paced study.
We recommend live online classes at Arise Home Education. Join my live classes for World Geography and Contextual British History
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