Crack the Travel Planning Code
Are you ready to crack the travel planning code? Does it seem overwhelming, and unachievable? Maybe even impossible? I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been there trying to figure out how to make the best, affordable dream trip come true. I’m here to tell you it is achievable and it is NOT impossible. Here are the four secrets to cracking the travel planning code.
Travel Planning Secret #1: Don’t Put Your Travel Dreams On Hold
Getting started with planning that “once-in-a-lifetime” trip is a daunting venture. There are so many questions to answer and what feels like a zillion details to finalize. Will it really be worth all the money, effort and stress? What about the house, pets, and office? Will they survive without me?
I’ve had to think through those very questions myself, too many times. So I decided to put a plan together that was going to be a game changer for accomplishing my travel dreams. If you are trying to plan a trip, you need a few things:
Travel Planning Secret #2: Follow Your Passion
Are you passionate about travel? Do you have an unfulfilled spirit of adventure? If you are reading this, I’m guessing you do. But, maybe you are also feeling confused about where to begin planning your dream trip. Just as you begin to answer one question you are confronted with a handful more. The more you look, the more overwhelmed you feel.
Travel Planning Secret #3: Fashion a Plan
How do you build the framework for a good trip? Where are the best prices? Where will I find a safe place to stay? How do I get the most out of a city in the shortest amount of time for the least amount of money?
Travel Planning Secret #4: Focus on Action
Even if you pull all the ideas of the dream together, find the perfect destination and book your tickets, you still have to get out the door. Getting everything packed, through security and on the plane can be an enormous stress on top of all the other details you are finalizing.
So If you’re anything like me, you are completely overwhelmed right about now. You might be asking questions like, “How do I implement a plan based on those 4 secrets?” Do you need more – a road map, a guide? Something that tells you exactly what to do and when?
Guess what? I’ve got you covered! I’ve put together a mini travel planning course. I’m so excited to help you make your travel dreams come true!
Crack the Travel Planning Code with Dream. Plan. Go!
This mini travel planning course will:
Ignite Your Imagination
Getting started with planning your dream vacation may seem intimidating, but with expert guidance, you’ll be on your way faster than you ever expected. Pretty soon, planning the trip of your dreams will be the best part of your week!
Follow Your Dream – Roadmaps Optional.
The journey to your dream destination takes dedication and time. If you put your mind to it, you’ll have no problem turning this dream into reality.
Grab Your Passport.
Let’s Go! Grab the travel planning course and join me as I help you learn the skills and gain the confidence to fulfill your wildest travel dreams. Before you know it, you’ll be showing off all the stamps in your passport!
In this mini travel planning course, you’ll learn how to:
Choose The Perfect Destination
Create an Itinerary For The Trip Of A Lifetime
Receive All The Code Cracking Secrets For Packing, Airport Safety and Airline Regulations.

Travel planning is my forte… but I shared this on twitter and stumbled for others who are looking for this help!
Thank you for sharing! Planning can be so much fun but often confusing. Once we point people in the right direction and give them a few tools, overseas travel becomes a dream come true, doesn’t it? Happy Planning & Stay Captivated!